Kindle or a Nook?

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  • Funky Dredd
    Are you Kidding me??
    • May 2005
    • 3701

    Kindle or a Nook?

    I'm looking to start doing some traveling and I'm a little torn between buying a Kindle or a Nook (color). Does anyone own either of these devices? What are your pros and cons for the device that you own? Any information would help as I have been reading up on both of these devices and I just can't seem to make up my mind.
    Mutations presents Change The Music

    Mutations (original show)

    Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds

  • GregWhelan
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jun 2004
    • 2994

    Re: Kindle or a Nook?

    I don't know what a Nook is but I assume it's an e-book reader?

    I bought a Kindle last month. Very impressed indeed with it. Cost me £109. I have not downloaded any books that cost money yet, as I have a load of paper books I've yet to read. However I did browse the Amazon collection of free e-books and downloaded a few classics. When you click the 'buy' link it transfers it to your Kindle in about 5 seconds. The screen is like nothing I have ever seen - it's called 'electronic ink' and does not use battery life apparently.

    Using the device is simple and it can be used in any kind of sunlight, wth no glare at all - just like a real book.

    The in-built dictionary is great too - simply navigate to a word and it comes up with the definition at the bottom of the screen.

    You can also adjust the font size of what you are reading, with about 10 choices on font size.

    You can flick between books and it will always return to the last page you were at.

    Every time you turn it off the screen reverts to a screen saver of a famous author (or sometimes a nice pattern) - the detail on it is amazing.

    Battery lasts for one month apparently; but even charging it only takes 60 minutes or so.

    All in all I would recommend it, but like I said I don't know what a Nook is.


    • demonAfro
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 3488

      Re: Kindle or a Nook?

      The Nook is the Barnes and Noble version.

      For me, the main benefit of this type of device is the e-ink screen which is so much easier on the eyes. The nook colour seems pointless to me as it still has an LCD screen, you might as well get a proper tablet PC instead. The Kindle, on the other hand, is dirt cheap and has very good reviews all round; probably can't go wrong with that one.

      I'm actually looking to get a Sony one, with a touchscreen so that I can make annotations on pdfs, but alas everywhere seems completely sold out


      • feather
        Shanghai ooompa loompa
        • Jul 2004
        • 20903

        Re: Kindle or a Nook?

        Kindle here, love it. I too bought it because I travel and work overseas and decided as much as I love paper and books, e-books are more practical.

        What demonAfro said. The screen on the Kindle is very very easy to read. I was deciding between an iPad or a Kindle and decided reading novels on a backlit screen will strain the eyes too much.

        That said, I have a colleague who owns a Kindle and iPad, and he uses the Kindle app to read on his iPad these days, because he carries the iPad around and uses it for other stuff. I've seen e-comics on his iPad and they look absolutely amazing due to the back lit colour screen.

        But if you're solely needing a reader and have no need for colour, I'd recommend the Kindle.


        Originally posted by Hoff
        a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
        Originally posted by m1sT3rL
        Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

        I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


        • Funky Dredd
          Are you Kidding me??
          • May 2005
          • 3701

          Re: Kindle or a Nook?

          Thanks all. I like the Nook because of the color screen but I am also worried that I may strain my eyes. I really only would need to use it for e-books, so that will be it's main application. Although I had no idea on the battery life for the kindle, that's amazing! Just on that alone the kindle has just gotten an edge on the nook.
          Mutations presents Change The Music

          Mutations (original show)

          Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


          • feather
            Shanghai ooompa loompa
            • Jul 2004
            • 20903

            Re: Kindle or a Nook?

            Kindle battery lasts forever as long as you don't turn on wi-fi or 3G.

            But I know people who read on the iPad and the Kindle App's display has a creamy colour like old paper and the contrast is pretty good.

            TBH I'm tempted to get a colour display so I can read my e-comics.

            If you know anyone using the iPad, I'd strongly recommend checking out the Kindle App before deciding (in case you eventually want to read something in colour too ... eg. the iPad would be great for e-magazines)


            Originally posted by Hoff
            a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
            Originally posted by m1sT3rL
            Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

            I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


            • Funky Dredd
              Are you Kidding me??
              • May 2005
              • 3701

              Re: Kindle or a Nook?

              I use the kindle application on my WP7 phone and I have no issues with it. But I do know that I do get some eyestrain but I'm not sure if it's because of the display color or if it's just me needing to renew my prescription for my glasses? I do know someone here in the office with an ipad, I'll ask him if he uses it. Or could atleast give it a try and let me see it.
              Mutations presents Change The Music

              Mutations (original show)

              Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


              • GregWhelan
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 2994

                Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                Originally posted by Funky Dredd
                Thanks all. I like the Nook because of the color screen but I am also worried that I may strain my eyes. I really only would need to use it for e-books, so that will be it's main application. Although I had no idea on the battery life for the kindle, that's amazing! Just on that alone the kindle has just gotten an edge on the nook.
                Mine was delivered on Dec 28th. I charged it the same day. I have used it every day and the battery icon is displaying half power. Impressive.


                • threehills
                  I heart Lollergirl
                  • Jun 2005
                  • 3641

                  Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                  I have a kindle and freaking love it.

                  My wife has an Ipad and freaking loves that....

                  For me, I like to sit on my deck on a nice afternoon and read. Hard to do on a back lit screen, no problem at all with the E-ink.
                  It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.


                  • feather
                    Shanghai ooompa loompa
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 20903

                    Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                    If you're sure you just want to use it for reading ebooks, go with the Kindle. You cannot fault it as a reader.

                    By the time you decide you want to do more stuff with a tablet, there'll probably be a new version of iPad anyway


                    Originally posted by Hoff
                    a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                    Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                    Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                    I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                    • Funky Dredd
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • May 2005
                      • 3701

                      Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                      I think I am going to go with a Kindle. I've been reading a couple of reviews on the Nook color over the past of days that I hadn't seen before and they were mentioning that it can be hard to read in the sun.
                      Mutations presents Change The Music

                      Mutations (original show)

                      Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


                      • threehills
                        I heart Lollergirl
                        • Jun 2005
                        • 3641

                        Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                        and? Thoughts?
                        It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.


                        • mnbvcxz
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Feb 2006
                          • 1312

                          Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                          It's not an e-reader or an iPad style tablet. But I want it.


                          • audiotherapy
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 267

                            Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                            you can run andriod os with NookColor sorta like a Ipad


                            • Funky Dredd
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • May 2005
                              • 3701

                              Re: Kindle or a Nook?

                              Originally posted by threehills
                              and? Thoughts?
                              Absolutely love it!
                              Mutations presents Change The Music

                              Mutations (original show)

                              Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds

