Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

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  • res0nat0r
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • May 2006
    • 14475

    Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

    ^wow. hell of a post. very good points there. good job.


    • res0nat0r
      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
      • May 2006
      • 14475

      Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

      speaking of communism here is a link i came across today of pics from north korea:


      • vinnie97
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jul 2007
        • 3454

        Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

        Indeed, killer post (Res and I finally agree). Except Bill Gates has been caught on several occasions proclaiming the need for population control and how he thinks that can be done through vaccines.

        Originally posted by 88Mariner
        People kill each other because they're savages. People who kill in the name of government are bringing peace. Right?
        That's Orwellian doublespeak, you know. ;-)


        • 88Mariner
          My dick is smaller
          • Nov 2006
          • 7128

          Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

          As did Al Gore. Who, in his hilariously flawed documentary on man-made global warming, said that the most pressing concern on this planet is overpopulation...then spent the rest of the movie ignoring that point.

          But, let me say this: talking about trying to stave off overpopulation =/= killing people to cull overpopulation worries. I have yet hear from any wealthy person that the cure to overpopulation is to execute people. (in b4 FEMA)
          you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

          it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

          Am I the corners of your mind....



          • floridaorange
            I'm merely a humble butler
            • Dec 2005
            • 29116

            Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

            Originally posted by vinnie97
            Indeed, killer post (Res and I finally agree). Except Bill Gates has been caught on several occasions proclaiming the need for population control and how he thinks that can be done through vaccines.

            That's Orwellian doublespeak, you know. ;-)

            It was fun while it lasted...


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29116

              Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

              Bloody hell mariner you've got quiet a head on your shoulders mate, I never doubted ye though

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • vinnie97
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jul 2007
                • 3454

                Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                Originally posted by floridaorange
                You'll have to be more specific with that tone of condescension, as with such an unmatched and incomparable intellect, I am but a mental midget before you.

                Bill Gates' feelings about depopulation are clear to anyone who has reading comprehension above that of, say, a sixth grader:

                Re: Gates on death panels:

                During a question and answer session, Gates implied that elderly patients undergoing expensive health care treatments should be killed and the money spent elsewhere. Gates said there was a “lack of willingness” to consider the question of choosing between “spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient” or laying off ten teachers.
                “But that’s called the death panel and you’re not supposed to have that discussion,” added Gates.
                That's not quite assisted suicide...closer along the continuum of euthanasia in truth.

                Re: Gates on vaccines (also a believer in the CO2 pseudoscience...oops):
                During a February 2010 TED conference, Gates openly stated that vaccines would be used to reduce global population and lower CO2 emissions.
                Stating that the global population was heading towards 9 billion, Gates said, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent.”

                Quite how an improvement in health care and vaccines that supposedly save lives would lead to a lowering in global population is an oxymoron, unless Gates was referring to vaccines that sterilize people, which is precisely the same method advocated in White House science advisor John P. Holdren’s 1977 textbook Ecoscience, which calls for a dictatorial “planetary regime” to enforce draconian measures of population reduction via all manner of oppressive techniques, including sterilization.
                Again, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent.” Improvements in new vaccines and health care should have no impact on population reduction. Nay, they should theoretically contribute to further increases in populations, unless both the author and myself are not schooled enough in Orwellian logic as mere mortals to understand what Gates was suggesting here. This is why I avoid modern vaccines (swine flu) like the plague...the establishment can keep those toxins to themselves.


                • Shpira
                  Angry Boy Child
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 4969

                  Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                  this is why i said i was done///because if i wanted to prove everything i believe i would have to quote hundreds of books...I have no intention to write a piece of literacy work or spend the time to research it...i posted my dissertation on the media monopolies some two years one read it. This took me 5 minutes and the sources are less than reliable and less than up to date.
                  The Idiots ARE Winning.

                  "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                  Mark Twain

                  SOBRIETY MIX


                  • res0nat0r
                    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                    • May 2006
                    • 14475

                    Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                    Originally posted by vinnie97
                    You'll have to be more specific with that tone of condescension, as with such an unmatched and incomparable intellect, I am but a mental midget before you.
                    How about reading from actual source material instead of dumbshit sites like prisonplanet. You claim to be smarter than all of us by seeing the hidden truth, yet you ignore the real info from the horses mouth. Typical stupidity.

                    Gates Foundation 2009 Annual Announcement - Childhood Deaths:

                    ACTUAL DATAZ AND MEANING:

                    A surprising but critical fact we learned was that reducing the number of deaths actually reduces population growth. Chart 3 shows the strong connection between infant mortality rates and fertility rates. Contrary to the Malthusian view that population will grow to the limit of however many kids can be fed, in fact parents choose to have enough kids to give them a high chance that several will survive to support them as they grow old. As the number of kids who survive to adulthood goes up, parents can achieve this goal without having as many children.

                    This means that improved health is critical to getting a country into the positive cycle of increasing education, stability, and wealth. When health improves, people have smaller families and the government has more resources per person, so improving nutrition and education becomes much easier. These investments also improve health, and a virtuous cycle begins that takes a country out of poverty. This was a huge revelation for Melinda and me. It is why we expanded our focus from reproductive health to all of the major infectious diseases. Today the foundation’s Global Health Program, which accounts for about 50 percent of our total spending, focuses on 20 diseases. The top five are: diarrheal diseases (including rotavirus), pneumonia, and malaria—which mostly kill kids—and AIDS and TB, which mostly kill adults.


                    • Shpira
                      Angry Boy Child
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 4969

                      Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                      1. Disney does not control your life. It doesn't control mine. And it doesn't control anyone else's. Nor does any of that other shit on there. People have a choice to consume or not. You treat humans like animals, which is only ironic because that's ultimately what you want them to become under your strange delusion of utopian terror.
                      Disney does not control your life. Thats true and i never said it does....So let me try and clarify. Logic dictates that a corporation is ultimately only responsible to their share holders...above that their only "responsability" is to obey the most basic laws in the country that they operate in. (i think that is undisputed) Therefore a company will always strive to increase its profits...if that company has its hands in a bunch of industries...its media outlets will be not be hard pressed to report anything that will damage the stock prices of their parent corporation.

                      people have choices yes...but ultimately social values are imposed on us through the media. They pick one guy put him on the box and suddenly you have an army of people listening to what he says and dressing like he does...and long term developing a value system based largely by what they see on TV.You could argue that this is your chicken and the egg question but that would require mass media objectivity - which doesn't exist.

                      2. You have not shown where wealthy people make it their daily priority to keep people in fear. Strangely, you'd prefer to give government the power to use fear AND force which really makes no sense to me. If a human can do it as a private citizen, that person can do it as a government agent. How you treat a human in one sector of society as having a completely different nature than a person working in the government is absurd. Best of all, your avatar speaks paragraphs of your ignorance.
                      Perhaps I was too blunt. Not really qualifying my thoughts here. I don't mean to say that they necessarily strive for the result it could be argued that its simply a bi-product of the whole sell sell culture. If there was no government you would have corporations who strive for profit and no one to keep them in check...thats surely not desired? are you actually saying that you honestly believe that the world would be a better place without a set of rules and someone to enforce them?? Yes,
                      If a human can do it as a private citizen, that person can do it as a government agent.
                      but if there is transparency in that persons action the impacted party can get the majority to see his point of view and get some help. I don't think that they have a different nature to government employees but a government employee (at least in theory) is employed in the interest of ordinary citizens while a private citizen owes allegiance to no one. LOL at the avatar comment...not gonna get into that

                      3. Population Control? Really? So you're not much different than vinnie or runningman afterall. If you believe that the wealthy people of this planet control governments, too, then why do you seek to increase the size of government, and thus, the magnitude of control these so-called fear-mongering rich people have? Afterall, if there was NO government, they couldn't do jack shit. Why you promote the destruction of freedom as opposed to expanding man's natural state of freedom makes me think you're actually content with the fear-mongering machine. How long have you been suffering cognitive dissonance?
                      Population control...its what you call a system which strives to influence the thoughts and feelings of its inhabitants on a daily basis. You have: advertising, mass news outlets, Hollywood, this is not to say that everything ever made works for some kind of dark and sinister plan...but we are a bi-product of our surroundings and its a fact that a large percentage of people in the west will form opinions on the basis of the most available forms of media.

                      We would need to minimise the influence finance has on politics...outlawing financial donations to candidate and all other forms of influence. Only votes should count...referendums etc....

                      I don't seek to maximise the size of government as it is...a revamp of some kind is needed most definitely and there is no easy fix. So again you want no government??...i think you need relax a bit

                      4. Need? Want? You don't need a computer. So why not toss that out and stop posting? You don't need nice clothes. You don't need that cell phone of your or a car. You don't need a lawn, a nice house, a watch or any of the other shit you own in your flat. Unless you're wearing hand me downs and are living a standard of life that monk's live, then you're a hypocrite. And yet, who is to decide what is a 'want'? Who is to decide what is a 'need'? If I'm hungry, will you tell me that I'm not allowed to eat a burger when a piece of chicken would suffice? And I hope you don't have any alcohol at your place, because that's definitely a 'want'. Tell you what, toss out your computer, and then we'll really get down to the nitty gritty of what can be labeled as 'need' and 'want'.
             are going from extremes to other extremes...thats not what I am saying...but your neighbour bob definitely didn't need that third car and a plasma in his toilet (now bob has lost his job and his car).Thats not even my point...i wanted to point out that the value system of our society is all wrong. Its not valued so much if you are a great are judged by you bank account and position.

             make slight diversion...I used to live so that everything i owned could be packed in a single suitcase and a backpack...i owned a single pair of jeans and a couple of t shirts...and then i gave up on trying to be a monk and got a job...

                      5. Yeah, i guess people 'benefited' from communism. Only those who worked for the party benefited. Everyone else is second-class or worse. How you have yet to realize that to implement your communist model requires people with special privileges to 'maintain' those who do not is concerning. If taken as a whole, i would think that your collective beliefs would ultimately lead to some form of anarchism and yet, it does no

                      Again...there are variations of communism...its like saying look at Egypt ..."democracy" must be shit...and yes i am aware of what you are saying...I don't presume a society which is more representative of its inhabitants interests will occur over night...its something to strive for. In essence ultimately....somewhere down the line governments will become obsolete

                      6. My government Could have done that. And yet, you want a larger fuck-shit-up government. If my government could do that, then ANY government could do way, way worse. The worst of which would be achieved under your model. Oh wait, the communists didn't fight wars, take over whole countries (which the US has not done), then didn't starve the fuck out of foreigners to feed their own.
                      It absolutely makes no difference whether you take over a country or install a puppet and rape that country for their resources...something the US is doing to this very day...but thats neither here nor there. What i am saying is that people need to be educated learn how to treat one another with proper respect.

                      Why is it in your head that government exists to coddle man from cradle to grave? Governments don't exist to wipe your ass. They don't exist to put food on your table. They don't produce wealth. They only destory wealth. They destroy lives. Government's do all of the worst things in the name of perpetuating itself and centralizing its power. And yet, fucked-up as it is, you want to make it even worse

                      the fact is that the world would be in a state of anarchy and your kids wouldn't be safe...that is unfortunately the world that we live in. That is why a change is needed...obviously what we have is not working. Governments should exist to make everyones life better and direct social and scientific development...i don't presume to know all the answers but obviously our society is pretty damn fucked up. Also not all governments are as fucked up as others...people are happier with their establishment in some countries than they are in ours.

                      7. Your recommendation to become a slave to another so that we may better society is probably the most depraved view of humanity one can possibly have. Guess who is going to cure cancer? someone who can make money off spending all that time on it. Guess who is going to purify sea water? the company that can figure a way to do it cheaply and better than it's competitor. Who is going to create flight? Airline travel? Cars? Vinyl records? Toasters? Lightbulbs? The answer is ALWAYS the person who can do it better, cheaper, and more efficient than anyone else while not going bankrupt and NEVER "the government will make it"
                      Slave to another? Which other are you talking about here? Yeah that is my fucking point! how many people will fucking die before it fucking becomes profitable to be discovered?? How many new ways to kill a man will be developed by then??? And how many people will die from poisoned water before they find a way to purify water??.........

                      People will be a dick whether you like it or not. That is their right. People also benefit this world with their ideas and innovation. That is also their right. But that's a question for each man to decide. Not you. Not a president. Not a dictator. Not some agency bureaucrat or appellate judge

                      i don't presume that people should be told what to do...but facts should be presented as they are and people should be given a chance to develop their full potential as a human being.

                      8. Higher education produces logic. Just like one would appeal to authority. Care for our planet? Go ask the ex-soviet satellite countries how much they care for the planet. Ask the chinese. and so on and so forth. Before our ship sails to greener more eco-friendly waters, don't you think everyone should be on board? Why demand that one country who has made gains in cleaning up the environment be punished, while dozens of other countries continue to treat your sacred planet like dogshit? You should be telling this to everyone else, least of all the united states.
                      Here you assume that I focus on the US...all my criticism is global. Mate seriously calm down before you have a heart attack.

                      Consensus reached by logic? There's no consensus on what the best topping of pizza is. Perhaps we could arrive there by logic too? Perhaps it would take a few years of graduate school to help us acquire the right critical thinking skills to conclude that the best topping on a pizza is mushrooms?
                      I never assumed to get down to that...but we can all agree that food is good and that we all should have enough food to survive...i think that things like that are generally in everyones interest.

                      People kill each other because they're savages. People who kill in the name of government are bringing peace. Right?
                      No...both are killers. There is no need for either.
                      The Idiots ARE Winning.

                      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                      Mark Twain

                      SOBRIETY MIX


                      • 88Mariner
                        My dick is smaller
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 7128

                        Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                        Originally posted by Shpira
                        Disney does not control your life. Thats true and i never said it does....So let me try and clarify. Logic dictates that a corporation is ultimately only responsible to their share holders...above that their only "responsability" is to obey the most basic laws in the country that they operate in. (i think that is undisputed) Therefore a company will always strive to increase its profits...if that company has its hands in a bunch of industries...its media outlets will be not be hard pressed to report anything that will damage the stock prices of their parent corporation.

                        people have choices yes...but ultimately social values are imposed on us through the media. They pick one guy put him on the box and suddenly you have an army of people listening to what he says and dressing like he does...and long term developing a value system based largely by what they see on TV.You could argue that this is your chicken and the egg question but that would require mass media objectivity - which doesn't exist.
                        a valid point. social values NOW are being pushed by the media. back then? not so much. and it has nothing, i submit, to do with the prevalence of disney videos or what corporation has bought what corporation.

                        it's not the media's fault that american's choose to listen to shitheads like snookie and E! tonight. I think it's terrible. I would LOVE to change that though. I don't blame the media, or corporations. I blame the people, the destruction of traditional values, the lack of wisdom....i mean.....there are BIGGER reasons as to why there is a malaise in the united states than simply pointing your finger at corporations.

                        i'll leave it at this: the influence the media has on the american public is a consequence, not a cause, of the retardation and pussification of american's.

                        that's what i believe at least. what you see on tv nowadays is a recognition of this fact: to conform communication to what will bring the most profit, and what will bring the most profit being what the people want to see.

                        we could disagree on this all day long though. i guess in a sense, you CAN hold the corporations culpable...but hardly to the extent you do, and not for the reasons that you do (imho).

                        Perhaps I was too blunt. Not really qualifying my thoughts here. I don't mean to say that they necessarily strive for the result it could be argued that its simply a bi-product of the whole sell sell culture. If there was no government you would have corporations who strive for profit and no one to keep them in check...thats surely not desired? are you actually saying that you honestly believe that the world would be a better place without a set of rules and someone to enforce them?? Yes, but if there is transparency in that persons action the impacted party can get the majority to see his point of view and get some help. I don't think that they have a different nature to government employees but a government employee (at least in theory) is employed in the interest of ordinary citizens while a private citizen owes allegiance to no one. LOL at the avatar comment...not gonna get into that
                        right. i'm glad you see that. that's the inherent flaw with anarcho-libertarianism. i'm hoping you see that government is an evil, but as such, it is a necessary evil, and. so being a necessary evil, should be constrained as much as possible. if humans are innately tribalistic, naturally greedy....there is no reason to think what one corporation does in absence of a government could not also happen if there was only government and no corporations.

                        Population control...its what you call a system which strives to influence the thoughts and feelings of its inhabitants on a daily basis. You have: advertising, mass news outlets, Hollywood, this is not to say that everything ever made works for some kind of dark and sinister plan...but we are a bi-product of our surroundings and its a fact that a large percentage of people in the west will form opinions on the basis of the most available forms of media.
                        again, this goes back to my above point.

                        but if we go back in time, is this not the same thing that happened with books and newspapers?

                        and if there was no media, no form of entertainment....would we NOT have the government pullling the same shit? War is Peace, Good is Bad, etc....

                        I don't think we' are a byproduct of our surroundings. I think plenty of people PERMIT that to happen though.

                        Man has a choice; to use his rational faculties and use them properly, or, to reject reason and revert to the primitive....using emotion, whim, and 'instinct' to guide him. But ultimately, it's a choice.

                        We would need to minimise the influence finance has on politics...outlawing financial donations to candidate and all other forms of influence. Only votes should count...referendums etc....
                        the only way to do that is to have politicians who are immune from influence. good luck with that! donations? pshh, there are plenty of under the table dealings that have nothing to do with trading money. money is not the only thing that moves pens.

                        I don't seek to maximise the size of government as it is...a revamp of some kind is needed most definitely and there is no easy fix. So again you want no government??...i think you need relax a bit
                        i've said this before in the politics section: i'd prefer communism to anarchism as anarchism is simple lawlessness. but i'd prefer a tightly constrained government to national socialism or democratic socialism.

               are going from extremes to other extremes...thats not what I am saying...but your neighbour bob definitely didn't need that third car and a plasma in his toilet (now bob has lost his job and his car).Thats not even my point...i wanted to point out that the value system of our society is all wrong. Its not valued so much if you are a great are judged by you bank account and position.
                        buying cars keeps people working. it puts food on people's table. i personally want a plasma tv in front of my toilet. if your rant is at materialism and excessiveness, i agree. but i dare not tell anyone what they can and cannot buy. i'd rather appeal to their intelligence.

                        bank account? position? i would like that to be true, but people are not that dumb. plenty of people lose jobs over being an asshole, or not being a team player, or develop poor reputations by making terrible decisions. i think society is MOSTLY right in how we value people; by their productivity. i think it's terrible that we don't value scientists more. that we value power in the presidency more than we do the intelligence of those who write our laws. it's telling...isn't devolved we've become to praise those who can play basketball more than we do those who are working on new technologies. but, this shouldn't be surprising with the whole "corporations are evil, ceo's are evil, money is evil, business is evil." etc.....

               make slight diversion...I used to live so that everything i owned could be packed in a single suitcase and a backpack...i owned a single pair of jeans and a couple of t shirts...and then i gave up on trying to be a monk and got a job...
                        funny....i'm slowly moving that direction. maybe not a single suitase, but i've got a list of things that i must necessarily take with me that i could pack in 20 minutes if it came to it. i like my jeans however. both pairs i own. quality over quantity for me. there's a good blog to check out....zen habits and simplelife.....good stuff.


                        Again...there are variations of communism...its like saying look at Egypt ..."democracy" must be shit...and yes i am aware of what you are saying...I don't presume a society which is more representative of its inhabitants interests will occur over night...its something to strive for. In essence ultimately....somewhere down the line governments will become obsolete
                        if governments become obsolete....doesn't that mean corporations get to do whatever? who will stop their rise to power? governments can't become obsolete. the are a necessary evil, as i've explained above.

                        It absolutely makes no difference whether you take over a country or install a puppet and rape that country for their resources...something the US is doing to this very day...but thats neither here nor there. What i am saying is that people need to be educated learn how to treat one another with proper respect.
                        there is no other place on earth where a muslim, a jew, a christian, an atheist, a businessman, a socialist, a monk, a satanist, a democrat, a republican, a libertarian, and sarah palin can sit down and eat peacefully in the same restaurant than in new york city. there is more civility in this country than you'll find in most other places on this planet, and i think it's a damn shame people don't give us that credit.


                        the fact is that the world would be in a state of anarchy and your kids wouldn't be safe...that is unfortunately the world that we live in. That is why a change is needed...obviously what we have is not working. Governments should exist to make everyones life better and direct social and scientific development...i don't presume to know all the answers but obviously our society is pretty damn fucked up. Also not all governments are as fucked up as others...people are happier with their establishment in some countries than they are in ours.
                        governments do not exist to make your life better. they exist to protect your freedoms so that you make see a better life on your own terms.

                        Slave to another? Which other are you talking about here? Yeah that is my fucking point! how many people will fucking die before it fucking becomes profitable to be discovered?? How many new ways to kill a man will be developed by then??? And how many people will die from poisoned water before they find a way to purify water??.........
                        we would be killing each other with bare fists if we had nothing but fists to defend ourselves. this has been happening for millions of years. at will continue to happen until man can live for himself, and only himself, and not seek to initiate violence against another. it's so EASY. and yet, so few choose that path.

                        we've found a way to purify water. huh?

                        i don't presume that people should be told what to do...but facts should be presented as they are and people should be given a chance to develop their full potential as a human being.
                        i agree. and they should be allowed to fail, too. who would seriously care about developing their full potential if they are coddled from cradle to grave? if life was guaranteed ease...nobody would try to become better, greater, or more than they already were.

                        Here you assume that I focus on the US...all my criticism is global. Mate seriously calm down before you have a heart attack.
                        what can i say, i'm a passionate defender of individual liberty, economic freedom, and property rights. it's the one thing that gets me up in the morning and keeps me up late at night. it even keeps me distracted from work and my wife.

                        i hope that one day i can benefit mankind by spreading such passion.

                        I never assumed to get down to that...but we can all agree that food is good and that we all should have enough food to survive...i think that things like that are generally in everyones interest.
                        how can a commodity that is privately produce.....a right? a right is a FREEDOM TO ACT, not a vested interest in the end-result of someone else's productive efforts.

                        i have no more of a right to food than i do to the mind and cautious hands of a heart surgeon.

                        No...both are killers. There is no need for either.
                        you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

                        it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

                        Am I the corners of your mind....



                        • vinnie97
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 3454

                          Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                          Originally posted by res0nat0r
                          How about reading from actual source material instead of dumbshit sites like prisonplanet. You claim to be smarter than all of us by seeing the hidden truth, yet you ignore the real info from the horses mouth. Typical stupidity.

                          Gates Foundation 2009 Annual Announcement - Childhood Deaths:

                          ACTUAL DATAZ AND MEANING:

                          lol yourself, that might explain his intent in creating vaccines in part, yet doesn't address his callous admission that the elderly are expendable. Improving the physical and financial health of a people shouldn't come at the expense of the soul.


                          • res0nat0r
                            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                            • May 2006
                            • 14475

                            Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                            Originally posted by vinnie97
                            lol yourself, that might explain his intent in creating vaccines in part, yet doesn't address his callous admission that the elderly are expendable. Improving the physical and financial health of a people shouldn't come at the expense of the soul.
                            pretty sure he didn't say that. but since you believe that, i guess you are just dismissing all of the gates' foundation work outright then. thats pretty smart.


                            • vinnie97
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jul 2007
                              • 3454

                              Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                              Just because someone donates a lot of money (and only a small percentage of their total worth, making it much less significant in the grander scheme) doesn't mean their intentions are pure.


                              • res0nat0r
                                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                                • May 2006
                                • 14475

                                Re: Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American Song at White House State Dinner

                                Originally posted by vinnie97
                                Just because someone donates a lot of money (and only a small percentage of their total worth, making it much less significant in the grander scheme) doesn't mean their intentions are pure.

                                Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Endowment US$33.5 billion[3]
                                Bill Gates: Net worth US$54 billion (2010)[1]
                                As of 2007, Bill and Melinda Gates were the second most generous philanthropists in America, having given over $28 billion to charity.[64]

                                Good lord man, do you have such a hard on to hate people trying to do good that you think 28 BILLION bucks is nothing? Please.

