Re: What is Going on in Egypt?
u scared?, yeah you scared
ah, Dig, "zee joooz". Psychobabble bullshit. It's typical though - I see it a lot. Anyone with the slightest kind words towards israel is an 'evil zionist'. it's a shame you wasted all of that time writing that though.
I could go through almost any of runningman's posts, replace the words "elite" "rich" "powerful" "globalists" "cabalists" "banksters" or "nwo" with the word 'jews' and be completely certain that Dig wrote it.
Dig's post, of course, ignores the unstoppable forces at work. Well, 'ignores' would be he recognizes the issue but ignores it anyways, and I don't think Dig has ever contemplated anything larger and more complex than newspaper headlines or tragically stupid quips from howard zinn.
Let me ask you something Dig: If I put 50 million mexicans into cairo, do you believe egyptian culture would last long there? If i put 50 million japanese into morocco, do you think moroccan culture would survive long or would it replaced with hello kitty nonsense over time? what if i put 50 million chinese into belgium? what do you honestly think will happen?
population x population growth x lack of assimilation x secessionist movements x time = islam is an existential threat to western civilization.
the demographic time bomb has been set. oddly enough, i blame the left-wing intelligentsia - many of who happen to be jooz (but let us be clear: left-wing 'jews' do not subscribed to anything jewish at all and are mostly atheist and...they're anti-zionists just like yourself!) for hindering the recognition of the demographic time bomb and the steps needed to disarm it. For, afterall, the law of unintended consequences is a law unknown in those circles. of course, the largest religious group on this planet, a religion that seems so protracted against western notions of freedom and individual liberty...could of any concern.
Ah yes, I should be the one believing that the middle east is a bastion of freedoms - to believe differently, to criticize openly, to speak freely. Just look at all the leaders out there, shouting how we need more individual freedom, less government. more property rights, less taxation. more responsibility, fewer entitlements. more freedoms...fewer restrictions. just look! all of them! there! somewhere. Well, i'm SURE they're there. somewhere.
It requires very little to see that where muslims dominate, they discriminate against other religions. where they're in the minority, they create seperatists groups demanding autonomy to permit them to live as if they were in tehran. And, with the growth in population of muslims in any particular place, the more open are they to more radical readings of the koran.
I'm sorry.
You're absolutely right, Dig.
Islam in no way poses any threat to western civilization.
Muslim population will never grow.
Muslims will stop immigrating to foreign countries.
Muslims will stop having an increasingly higher birth rate than the native citizenry.
Muslims will assuredly assimilate into dominant cultures across the globe. Insular muslim communities will phase out.
Muslim immigrants will treat non-muslims with mutuality, camaraderie, brotherhood, and equality.
Muslim immigrants will not demand a separate religious legal system apart from that of the laws governing the land they now live on.
The majority of muslims will put a leash on their minority hardliners. There will be no more apathy or indifference.
Muslims will eventually pick up the torch of freedom.
Muslims will never ostracize or threaten violence for those who leave or criticize their beliefs.
Muslims will modernize by diluting koranic scriptures.
Muslims will refuse to stand by the Caliphate.
Islam will be reformed to appease western expectancies.
Islam will soon have an internal war on faith in the name of reason, much like Voltaire qua christianity.
Time is on my side.
I could go through almost any of runningman's posts, replace the words "elite" "rich" "powerful" "globalists" "cabalists" "banksters" or "nwo" with the word 'jews' and be completely certain that Dig wrote it.
Dig's post, of course, ignores the unstoppable forces at work. Well, 'ignores' would be he recognizes the issue but ignores it anyways, and I don't think Dig has ever contemplated anything larger and more complex than newspaper headlines or tragically stupid quips from howard zinn.
Let me ask you something Dig: If I put 50 million mexicans into cairo, do you believe egyptian culture would last long there? If i put 50 million japanese into morocco, do you think moroccan culture would survive long or would it replaced with hello kitty nonsense over time? what if i put 50 million chinese into belgium? what do you honestly think will happen?
population x population growth x lack of assimilation x secessionist movements x time = islam is an existential threat to western civilization.
the demographic time bomb has been set. oddly enough, i blame the left-wing intelligentsia - many of who happen to be jooz (but let us be clear: left-wing 'jews' do not subscribed to anything jewish at all and are mostly atheist and...they're anti-zionists just like yourself!) for hindering the recognition of the demographic time bomb and the steps needed to disarm it. For, afterall, the law of unintended consequences is a law unknown in those circles. of course, the largest religious group on this planet, a religion that seems so protracted against western notions of freedom and individual liberty...could of any concern.
Ah yes, I should be the one believing that the middle east is a bastion of freedoms - to believe differently, to criticize openly, to speak freely. Just look at all the leaders out there, shouting how we need more individual freedom, less government. more property rights, less taxation. more responsibility, fewer entitlements. more freedoms...fewer restrictions. just look! all of them! there! somewhere. Well, i'm SURE they're there. somewhere.
It requires very little to see that where muslims dominate, they discriminate against other religions. where they're in the minority, they create seperatists groups demanding autonomy to permit them to live as if they were in tehran. And, with the growth in population of muslims in any particular place, the more open are they to more radical readings of the koran.
I'm sorry.
You're absolutely right, Dig.
Islam in no way poses any threat to western civilization.
Muslim population will never grow.
Muslims will stop immigrating to foreign countries.
Muslims will stop having an increasingly higher birth rate than the native citizenry.
Muslims will assuredly assimilate into dominant cultures across the globe. Insular muslim communities will phase out.
Muslim immigrants will treat non-muslims with mutuality, camaraderie, brotherhood, and equality.
Muslim immigrants will not demand a separate religious legal system apart from that of the laws governing the land they now live on.
The majority of muslims will put a leash on their minority hardliners. There will be no more apathy or indifference.
Muslims will eventually pick up the torch of freedom.
Muslims will never ostracize or threaten violence for those who leave or criticize their beliefs.
Muslims will modernize by diluting koranic scriptures.
Muslims will refuse to stand by the Caliphate.
Islam will be reformed to appease western expectancies.
Islam will soon have an internal war on faith in the name of reason, much like Voltaire qua christianity.
Time is on my side.