Hello! I recently received this message at one of my email addresses...
I found this puzzling because I never subscribed to anything. Would this be some type of spam? Please advise. Thanks!
Dear Michael^Heaven,
Your access to the paid subscription "Premium Members - 1 Month" is about to expire.
If you have selected a recurring subscription you will be automatically billed for the renewal, else to renew this subscription you must visit http://www.mercuryserver.com/forums/payments.php
If you do not extend your subscription, access will be removed.
All the best,
Your access to the paid subscription "Premium Members - 1 Month" is about to expire.
If you have selected a recurring subscription you will be automatically billed for the renewal, else to renew this subscription you must visit http://www.mercuryserver.com/forums/payments.php
If you do not extend your subscription, access will be removed.
All the best,