Let's get a head count. Anyone gonna be at Sasha and Burridge tonight?
1/29/2005 - Sasha @ Avalon - Los Angeles
yea, was pretty disapointed. Did a lot better job this time, but still not my cup of tea. Burridge on the other hand, ROCKED IT!!!!Comment
ok kidz, here ya go.
Got in the club just as it was opening. The line looked pretty bad so im sure lots of ppl got screwed as far as the guest list was concerened. Mark Tabrener opened up the night and started with some chill house. 30 minutes later hes bumpin it around 130bpm which was just wayyy to fast for that point in time. Sasha came on at about Midnight and brought it way down in tempo since tarberner was banging it out. The amazing thing is sasha finally got his Fundacion Controller (or what i like to call the Sasha 5000) working and sounding pretty good. He played a lot of his own tracks with a few other tunes mixed in. He stayed off the tables for his whole set, everything came off the laptop. I watched him for about 30 mins til i got bored and I wandered around aimlessly drunk off my ass for a while. I had a chat with Burridge, Junkie, and the guys from RITM who were all there hanging out. Finally at 200am Lee came on and started tearing shit up!!! I have always been a burridge fan, but i have never heard him play a set like he did last sat. I was fawkin incredible, so funky!!!!!! ANywayz, I partied my ass of till about 4am when sasha came back on, by then i was wasted out of my mind and was not interested in hearing more sasha. so we went out to the car for a post game tailgating. at about 530am we decided to drive home, a quick stop at tommys hit the spot and I was in the house by 6am, crashed out til about 3pm sunday afternoon. I had a good time for sure.Comment
Re: 1/29/2005 - Sasha @ Avalon - Los Angeles
Agreed, Sasha kinda disappointed with his ableton live set up...some of my friends think he started using it so that he wouldn't trainwreck as often...part of the thrill for me of seeing your favorite dj live is the showcasing of technical skills, not the manipulation of a mouse on a screen...I also agree Burridge rocked it tho when he came, played a ton of techy shit with ample amounts of bleeps and bloops. Towards the end of the night however, I found the most authentic vibe of the night, on the patio upstairs, enjoying the sounds of Franco Munoz...WOW, is all I can say...was very impressed...all in all tho, was a great night, despite sasha's use of his new toy....Comment
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