The Rogue Show Podcast returns to awaken you from your winter slumber or enhance your summer fun. Wherever you are in this world, Episode 007 will do the trick for those yearning for warm, classic house
vibes, as we are here in North America buried under mounds of crisp white snow.
It’s not easy to put together fresh and funky mixes these days. As we physically can’t get out from
underneath the cold weather, the house obsessed struggle to dig their tunes out from under piles and
piles of dark techno and festival-sized electro. Bomb hunting trips take twice as long to find half as
many selections. Frustration must be high for artists like Luke Fair and Add2Basket who are determined to maintain their Roguish style.
But as they do with each new episode, The Rogue Show has come through with two promos that satisfy
the groovy desires of me and you. Their music throws back to our roots, when the dance floor was filled
with happy faces and smooth moves. So as the cliché goes… turn it up! Slide these mixes into rotation
and add some sunshine to your cooler times!
His name is Jason... Jason Warth. Major props to Agent JW for the bad ass art. Big things are on
the horizon for our design guy both graphically and musically. We anxiously await you taking your talents to
the next level.
Subscribe via PodOmatic at therogueshow.com or through iTunes.
The Rogue Show - Episode 007 - Add2Basket
Included some fresh promos, some older gems, some clubby and some home listening pieces and masterpieces. Enjoy!

The Rogue Show - Episode 007 - Luke Fair
Tons of deep, old school and classic vibes along with warmth and proper melodies to make it through the dead of winter.
