Iranium - watch free today
Iranium - watch free today
you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
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Re: Iranium - watch free today
Iranium documents the development of Iran's nuclear threat, beginning with the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and the ideology installed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini.
Iranium tracks Iran's use of terror as a tool of policy, beginning with the 444 day seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, through Iran's insurgent actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iranium details the brutal nature of the Iranian regime to its own citizens, and the Iranian people's desire to rejoin the international community.
Iranium outlines the various scenarios the greater Middle East and the Western world may face should Iran cross the nuclear threshold.The Idiots ARE Winning.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain
Re: Iranium - watch free today
OMG this is the worst piece of propaganda I have ever seen.. John Bolton? Why not just have Bush/Cheney back on spouting the shit.
The war drums are banging again I see. Halfway through the mockumentary I wanted to nuke Iran.
Oh it was made by the Clarion fund.. that explains it. Clarion is the most racist and prejudice organization in the world behind AIPACComment
Re: Iranium - watch free today
Points for effort and the useless bullshit of American propagandas, highly effective to the fruitcakes who call themselves humans.
The One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One:
Sbando - You Will Be Missed.
"Mankind has the propensity to fuck itself up on anything it lays its hands on."Feather
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Bob"i'd give her a muscle she doesn't havethe banned1"
"I love you Illuminate... that's divine/creator/God in me loving the origin of you."KiwiTollway
Re: Iranium - watch free today
OMG this is the worst piece of propaganda I have ever seen.. John Bolton? Why not just have Bush/Cheney back on spouting the shit.
The war drums are banging again I see. Halfway through the mockumentary I wanted to nuke Iran.
Oh it was made by the Clarion fund.. that explains it. Clarion is the most racist and prejudice organization in the world behind AIPAC
Side note: watched Tom Clancy's "Sum of All Fears" the other night. Thought it was interesting that the director changed the plot (from the book) from radical islamists acquiring a nuclear weapon and detonating it in D.C. to a secret group of neo-nazis.
Not surprised that Ahmedinejad banned this from being shown in Iran. Good thing this wasn't a porn, or they'd try to arrest the producers and have them could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
Re: Iranium - watch free today
I'm not saying all of it isn't true but if Iran went around showing the KKK as a popular movement in the US would that be true? Of course not but it is over hyped.
Paint them in a rosy picture? Clarion Fund is nothing more then a Jewish propaganda machine. Don't you know that? Look up Clarion Fund. Iran is no threat to US sovereignty. It may be a threat to imperialism, maybe, but I'm not convinced it is. I see China/Russia as much more of a threat to US sovereignty than Iran. This is just about oil same as Iraq. The boogy man the US needs to create in order to get the American public behind the Iran war.
I mean for God's sake look at Clarion's website.
I wonder how long it will take before this gets shown on Public television? Not long I bet.Comment
Re: Iranium - watch free today
oh i've looked up clarion fund already and took note of its views.
unfortunately, this issue has been hanging over everyone's heads for longer than the clarion fund has existed. has anyone else done a documentary like this on this particular topic before? I can't say for sure, but I think people are naively dismissive of the point being made in the film. in fact, I think it's pathetic that it took a pro-israel entertainment group to put something like this out into the public. It's pathetic that few people take this seriously, much less care or worse, find fault with those few who actually do.
this video doesn't actually bring too much new information to light. the problem is that it's all being ignored or unjustly attacked.
for example, the logic kinda goes like this: George Bush lied to us about WMD's. Now, any claim that someone else is trying to get WMD's is therefore false. You see the flaw?
What about the other argument, that this is just sabre-rattling war-mongering propaganda? Therein sits another flaw: war isn't necessary to resolve this problem. Even Woolsey (from the clinton era) in this video says that we pretty much need to do everything possible to avoid war, and war is the last option. The problem here is, however, that there are no plans to do anything about this - whether it be a non-war option or a war-option - NONE!. And that's concerning, no?
Let me borrow from the situation in Egypt to illustrate a point.
NOBODY predicted that revolution. NOBODY. Everyone, including our president's administration, was caught with their pants down at thier ankles. The response our administration gave was kaleidoscopic - people saying different things with different degrees of pressure making it clear that nobody knows what the fuck our position is. They're STILL without a plan.
Relevancy to Iran? Again, nobody can predict when Iran gets the bomb - and then what? Pretty much the only option would be to actually wage a war...a war that is [i]entirely avoidable[i] at this point (See also: Stuxnet). Right now there is a no-fucks-given policy about this. I would say that maybe a few people in the CIA have worked out some plans, but such plans haven't been discussed with any military or executive officials as of yet (Gates himself said they had no plan!)
Here's the difference: Per Egypt, people were caught with their pants around their ankles. With a nuclear iran, the pants are around our waists and we're shitting in them.
Let's disregard everything in the movie, disregard the propogandic elements, the nature of the funding of this film, and ask ourselves a simple question:
Which is more likely: an Iran that is not trying to acquire a nuclear weapon, or an Iran that is actively pursuing such a device?
edit: it just occurred to me that the narrator is an iranian could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
Re: Iranium - watch free today
lo, teh new element hath a ring of resiliecene to it.... though, WE IMMIGRANTS OF THE UNITED STATES are a bunch fo slaptard/viziers, in complete oscillating coordination, and cooperation wit dat dhar nWO --- transcending all conspiracy heroes. what do?
can i get a for the fucking win? hell yehhhhhhhhh
word life -_______-(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: Iranium - watch free today
I don't even have the slightest clue what you said here^^
I think what you have to keep in mind as well Mariner is that it isn't just the lie about WMD's. It's the lying about EVERYTHING.Comment
Re: Iranium - watch free today
Also who really gives a shit if Iran gets a nuke? I don't. Israel has multiple nukes, Saudi Arabia has them, Pakistan, India...etc..etc
Iran won't use them against the US. Let's say Iran gets a nuke. And lets say they use it against Isreal and wipe Tel aviv off the map. The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia would flatten Iran with hundreds of nukes. Iran would become the biggest exporter of glass.
You see this isn't about nukes because it is only a lose lose to use them. This is about the Zionism and war on Islam. No different then the Americans wiping out the Indians IMO.Comment
Re: Iranium - watch free today
lo, teh new element hath a ring of resiliecene to it.... though, WE IMMIGRANTS OF THE UNITED STATES are a bunch fo slaptard/viziers, in complete oscillating coordination, and cooperation wit dat dhar nWO --- transcending all conspiracy heroes. what do?
can i get a for the fucking win? hell yehhhhhhhhh
word life -_______-
Lay off the acid a bit illustrious
Re: Iranium - watch free today
Ya at first I thought he was trying to talk black like Jenks does sometimes.. But then I realized it REALLY didn't make any sense at all.Comment
Re: Iranium - watch free today
Also who really gives a shit if Iran gets a nuke? I don't. Israel has multiple nukes, Saudi Arabia has them, Pakistan, India...etc..etc
Iran won't use them against the US. Let's say Iran gets a nuke. And lets say they use it against Isreal and wipe Tel aviv off the map. The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia would flatten Iran with hundreds of nukes. Iran would become the biggest exporter of glass.
You see this isn't about nukes because it is only a lose lose to use them. This is about the Zionism and war on Islam. No different then the Americans wiping out the Indians IMO.
our fucking world will be flipped up side fucking down if a nuke goes off.
you don't care?
you care so much about civil liberties, yet a nuke detonating anywhere near the united states will all but eliminate them.
but you don't care.
millions of people will unnecessarily have their lives terminated and millions more affected by the fallout and billions more affected by the fucked up situation that results.
but you don't care.
the environment will be severely impacted.
but you don't care
a group of religious fundamentalists are not going to be deterred by mutually-assured destruction.
but you don't care.
a nuclear iran will the be the greatest blunder of this century.
but you don't care.
all you care about is saying everything is a lie. everything is a lie but those words coming out of an radical islamists mouth.
everytime i read your posts i am reminded of the phrase, "some people just want to watch the world burn"
and as you watch the world burn from afar, you'll dance and play your could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
Re: Iranium - watch free today
what the fuck are you talking about?
Don't mix up my words so it can benefit you. I SAID "who cares if Iran gets a nuke. I don't care." Then I went into a scenario validating my point that EVEN if they did get a nuke they wouldn't be able to do shit with it because the global community won't allow it.
I hate it when people try to mix and mash my words to help an agenda. I never said anything about not caring about Iran setting off a nuke.
Pakistan has nukes and never used them
India has nukes and never used them
United Kingdom has nukes and never used them
Russia has nukes and never used them
China has nukes and never used them
But you know has USED them that's right the USA
I'm gonna start calling you Rumsfeld if you keep on this Neo Con and Project for a New American Century AgendaComment
Re: Iranium - watch free today
no really,
, this pharmacy is in need lysergic CIA SHIZZLES. i have soem freinds haulin in lbs of of for Coachella.... but that mess is like days away? why art thy so fucked???? WTF is happening ? fly me ot sirius or poliris, shit son, ffs.
how many illuminati bloodlines shall i decline?! bitches get zee ballsescks(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment