It's been confimed another GU album by....

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  • undrgrndwmn
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 169

    Originally posted by rewing3
    How many damn gu's is this guy going to due. Everytime he releases one he says it is his last one as well. For fuck sake make up ur mind Nick. It is cool that he is doing one. I just hope that is it good.
    what does it matter?

    I tend to like his GUs. Amsterdam disc one is still on my fave GUs of all time.


    • yaga
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 278

      warren again and again... damn im bored to see the same face in the GU.

      Really.. wtf with GU people.. get space for the new crowd
      from mexico to the world.


      • undrgrndwmn
        Getting Somewhere
        • Jun 2004
        • 169

        Originally posted by yaga
        warren again and again... damn im bored to see the same face in the GU.

        Really.. wtf with GU people.. get space for the new crowd
        HELLO? That's what nubreed and 24:7 are for! (duh!


        • muggeh
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 218

          Another vote for Cusick doing the next release


          • c_zavala
            Getting warmed up
            • Jan 2005
            • 59

            i think cusick isnt good enough for a GU... he's ok, but not enough. his sales arent that big, and his gigs arent that full


            • muggeh
              Getting Somewhere
              • Jun 2004
              • 218

              That might be true but for me it's all about the music and then he easily qualifies


              • lucasvickers
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 345

                Re: It's been confimed another GU album by....

                Originally posted by c_zavala
                nick again?? nobody wants to listen to the same crap... they should bring new talent. i guess thats why GU sucks now. FABRIC RULES!
                yeah and when they try to bring new artists they bring on shit like Lavelle

                Originally posted by supaz
                I'd like to see the following do the GU's...

                1. Jimmy Van M
                2. Chris Fortier
                3. Sean Cusick

                I like Nick W. and all, but come on...he's done enough. Let's hear some
                new people.
                second hand satellites should get it

                Originally posted by c_zavala
                guys like zabiela and holden should be recruited... im sure they can kick nick's ass any day of the week
                oh hell yah holden in a second
                if zabiella gets a GU I will fucking puke, that kid has no musical flow whatsoever

                Originally posted by c_zavala
                i think cusick isnt good enough for a GU... he's ok, but not enough. his sales arent that big, and his gigs arent that full
                eh I bet he'd sell just cuz it's GU
                War is God's way of teaching Americans geography.
                - Ambrose Bierce


                • Civic_Zen
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1116

                  Originally posted by undrgrndwmn
                  Originally posted by yaga
                  warren again and again... damn im bored to see the same face in the GU.

                  Really.. wtf with GU people.. get space for the new crowd
                  HELLO? That's what nubreed and 24:7 are for! (duh!
                  And how long has it been since we've seen a NuBreed disc? And I don't think 24/7 is there to promote new artists, it is a series for having music to accomadate you 24/7. Which is why they always had 2 discs, one for day which was more mellow and chill, and one for night which was more bangin. Besides, Danny and Lee were hardly nu to the seen.
                  "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                  "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                  - Thomas Jefferson


                  • jeffrey collins
                    Not cool enough
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 7427

                    I boycotted the Lavelle cd's but i'll be buying this.

                    I know this to be sure as I have a friend who has his own record shop in columbus that told me there is a mail that he got asking for submissions for the next cd. Nick wants all unsigned stuff and unreleased stuff. I guess it helps make the cd a bit easier to release when all the songs have no labels behind them.

                    The 2dn cd off of the Iceland discs is sweet.

                    GU does need some new blood. And not another damn breaks dj like lavelle is.
                    Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                    My Painting Blog

                    My Soundcloud page.


                    • pretence
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 228

                      Seems like they are afraid to experiment too much after they nearly went under. Nick Warren is a pretty safe bet from his past efforts. What happened to the 24:7 series thats what I want to know, that got off to a great start...?


                      • Dhar_2
                        meat and potatoes
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 18925

                        not warren again. BBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRING!!!

                        new blood, new talent. for fucks sake!!!!


                        • c_zavala
                          Getting warmed up
                          • Jan 2005
                          • 59

                          Re: It's been confimed another GU album by....

                          youre right... it would probably sell because it is a GU. btw, james lavelle sucks... his last cd was enough to make me puke. what kind of crazy shit did he try to pull?!?!?!?!?!


                          • lucasvickers
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 345

                            awesome im glad we all agree that lavelle sucks

                            War is God's way of teaching Americans geography.
                            - Ambrose Bierce


                            • Dhar_2
                              meat and potatoes
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 18925

                              lavelle blows goats!


