Ah yeah, it's that time of year again! Head on over the South Seas Hotel and Pool and shout... WHERE'S MY MOJITO!!!
In association with Poolside Sessions, vitaminwater, Media Services NYC, The Joint, South Seas Hotel, Pilikia by the Pool, LEBLON Cachaça, Poontin Muzik, Atal, Maurice Joshua Digital, Almost Heaven, Soulgasm NYC, The REDness, Just Us, Soundmen On Wax, House Sound Of LA
Music by:
Gene Douglas | Lego | Brian Coxx | Maurice Joshua | Jesus Roa | Hanna Hais | Blackliquid | Ray Vazquez | DJ Romain | Live PA by Lissa Fiore
Hosted by: Oscar P, Lady J thehousekeeper and REDness
RSVP here for complimentary admission and 2 for 1 drink vouchers featuring Leblon Fresh Fruit Caipirinhas & Brazilian Mojitos
All guest staying at The South Seas and Avalon Hotel receive COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION
- More info MiamiNews
