Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

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  • Shpira
    Angry Boy Child
    • Oct 2006
    • 4969

    Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

    Originally posted by 88Mariner
    Red Scare Pamphlet? I wasn't born during the McCarthy Era. That aside, you purposefully ignore every problem created by totalitarian governments. "it just can't happen because i FEEL it can't happen."

    Funny, if you were a nazi, you'd be saying the same thing. Or a fascist.

    Well you are some sort of loony. The more you whine about the merits of servitude to government, the more retarded I think you really could be.

    To me, Life is Good. Death is Bad. Ownership is Good. Theft is Bad.

    To you, Slavery is good, Freedom is bad. Subservience to government officials is good, dissent is bad. Government ownership of everything is good, private ownership is evil. People who are government officials can always be trusted, people who do not work in the government can never be trusted.


    By fukuyama? Yeah. And on 9/11, it was completely bitch-slapped in the face and discredited in total. And now, it very much looks like the "end of history" was merely the beginning of the end and not the end itself.

    Yes, our values evolved from servitude to the few in power, to freedom from them. You propose we should go back to be owned by a few self-appointed government agents.

    Yes, killing is not ok now. but it will be ok in the future!
    Rape is not ok now. but rape could be acceptable in the future

    That's the problem with your relativism. You can justify murder of anyone at any time.

    I'm online because some damn fool might read your mental diarrhea and consider it valid.

    But it's also a pussy move on your part to say "oh, shouldn't you be doing other things than making me your bitch????"

    Yeah, the wiki article is going to include people who think rights don't exist. The right to do something is the freedom to act without government intrusion.

    Some people believe that "rights" are GRANTED to people by government bureaucrats. Namely, people like you. And so we must plead, bribe, lobby, and persuade government officials for freedom. In essence, your 'theory' is that man is a slave to the government who gets more rights depending on his application status. Kinda like how the house slave has more 'liberty' than the field slave.

    Yeah, i guess being a slave is like having 'rights'.

    I can't argue there is a right to kill someone. There is no right to deprive someone of their life (i.e. their own property). Are you fucking mental? did the whole "right to swing my fist ends at your face" not slap you hard enough?

    So not only have you justified slavery.

    You have justified murder, rape, and pretty much any other crime against the individual.

    And you've justified theft, too. And other crimes against property.

    Why not nationalize food service too? What's wrong with that? Nationalize everything, and there will be no more problems. Unicorn farts will supply your energy too!

    Right, your voting for the slavery of my children is where i draw the line. Because you could vote for that, and it could happen. You could rationalize the murder of my children. the rape of my daughter. and so forth. "it's all relative"

    fucking brilliant.

    Better, you intend to steal my kids house (you have made it quite clear that confiscation of property is pretty much the first thing that will happen in your ideal society).

    you're a mess. and you must hate your children to have them suffer through such a dystopian future.

    you know what's funny? my wife is a doctor. she and her family fled the soviet union because of persecution. maybe i should have you sit down with her so she can bitch slap you more violently than i have. because she will. I promise. And it'll leave a mark. fair warning.

    Historical knowledge according to who? the communisty party? incoherent ideas because they are in discord with your party?

    If i lived in your ideal society, i would have been executed many times over already. But you don't care, because i'm merely a slave to the government, an expendable asset that upon becoming a liability may be dispensed with, an impediment to 'social progress'.

    you can take away someone's ice cream cone. you can take away their liberty arbitrarily. you can murder them. you're sick in the head. so embarrassingly sick.

    IN your mind, there is a pure future of warmness, fuzziness, unicorns, everyone is happy, dancing around the big ol bonfire. your magical thinking is, and always has been, at odds with history and reality itself.

    But of course, to you, that could NEVER understand the that truth.Because your illusions of utopian purity could never mean that is true. Again, teleological problems are ones you must MUST address first.

    Yes, it is "I" who is 'conditioned'. Your explanation for people who do not believe like you do is "they are clearly brainwashed." You can't possibly contemplate people having their own thought because your worldview does not permit such things. Therefore it MUST be brainwashing.

    Everything you've said basically amounts to projection.

    I have a good clue of what your ideas are. A person who does not respect property rights, a person who does not respect individual rights, a person who believes man is a slave to the government to the extent that he is useful. Time and again I run into misfits like yourself who think they 'know' what's best for everyone else but who reject history because 'something that is so pure can't be wrong.'

    now you're being apologetic. A person who has been toting the line of totalitarianism is telling [i]moi[/] that they are not a 'hardliner'?

    el - oh - el

    Again, here's that tiresome "you're just conditioned" mentality. Well if that's the case, I'm kinda glad i'm insulated from thinking that murder might be acceptable in the future, that crimes against persons or property is sometimes justified, that i exit for my government only so long as I make myself useful to a few people who deem me useful.

    "force fed" there we are again. it's funny, i've actually had to turn of the leftist noise machine to think more clearly about things.


    really laughable if it weren't so violent in its application.

    anyone who owns property. anyone who has fought for, produced and maintained value.

    you know who wouldn't lose? government officials. banksters. lobbyists.

    "oh, but Mariner, the close ties between wall street and D.C. ...that's just silly talk."


    All businesses are, by definition, private.

    Who is to decide what is a 'large' business and a small business? Some dude who arbitrarily makes a number up. But how can we trust him? Because he's a government official.

    Media outlets will now be government run. But tha'ts a GOOD thing because now the'll HAVE to spit out government propoganda. Which is funny, because you've been railing against it all along, and now you seek to merge government into media itself. Hey, that's efficient at least!

    Yeah, look how great communism benefit all the soviet people. Except the 25-60 million innocent people they killed. But ignore that because socialism will be good!

    the truth is that you have made a whole lot of presumptions about what i feel or believe by distorting shit...i am not going to go on explaining how a society should function...you have made an outline in your little head that you seem to think i am the kind of person that would support that. That is clear from the personal details that you have mentioned...so perhaps your wife, the doctor should look for patients closer to home. Also...you seem to have grouped me with some people you have met once again demonstrating the above mentioned and the need to group or sort information in small groups e.g. generalizations.

    stuff like..."Media outlets will now be government run" were NEVER mentioned EVER so this came from YOU. The need to draw parallels with what i am saying and communism came from you. I never said i considered myself a communist or a socialist. I just argued that those systems had elements which were good but you have the need once again to see things in absolute terms as BAD and GOOD.
    The Idiots ARE Winning.

    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
    Mark Twain



    • res0nat0r
      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
      • May 2006
      • 14475

      Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

      Originally posted by runningman
      the definition of a soldier- One who serves in an army.

      Definition of US Army - United States Army: the army of the United States of America; the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare

      Now where in there does it say humanitarians?

      No Reso you are dumb.. get it right... I can't believe I'm gonna ask but why are humanitarians dumb ?

      The National Guard may be called up for active duty by state governors or territorial adjutant general to help respond to domestic emergencies and disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes.[5]



      • runningman
        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
        • Jun 2004
        • 5995

        Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

        yep and it will be the National Gurad that kills you Americans when it is your time to get rowdy. Don't show up to the protest without your assault rifle that's all I'm saying.

        They should be unarmed if they are on a humanitarian mission. If they are armed they are considered Army. Do you see where Army came from? Armed---y

        You love semantics eh Reso. They put a different name on Army and you think they are different.. Geesh


        • 88Mariner
          My dick is smaller
          • Nov 2006
          • 7128

          Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

          Originally posted by Shpira
          the truth is that you have made a whole lot of presumptions about what i feel or believe by distorting shit...i am not going to go on explaining how a society should function...you have made an outline in your little head that you seem to think i am the kind of person that would support that. That is clear from the personal details that you have mentioned...so perhaps your wife, the doctor should look for patients closer to home. Also...you seem to have grouped me with some people you have met once again demonstrating the above mentioned and the need to group or sort information in small groups e.g. generalizations.

          stuff like..."Media outlets will now be government run" were NEVER mentioned EVER so this came from YOU. The need to draw parallels with what i am saying and communism came from you. I never said i considered myself a communist or a socialist. I just argued that those systems had elements which were good but you have the need once again to see things in absolute terms as BAD and GOOD.
          If you're 'feeling' and not 'thinking' then there is no way for me to reason with you.

          So you're...cool with government-owned media?
          you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

          it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

          Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....



          • res0nat0r
            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
            • May 2006
            • 14475

            Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

            Originally posted by runningman
            yep and it will be the National Gurad that kills you Americans when it is your time to get rowdy. Don't show up to the protest without your assault rifle that's all I'm saying.

            Ain't happened yet. Prob should shut up about it happening until it does then just to keep S/N ratio down here. Kthx.


            • runningman
              Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
              • Jun 2004
              • 5995

              Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

              oh ya the revolution is a middle east thing...... for now


              • chunky
                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                • Jan 2006
                • 10570

                Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                Originally posted by res0nat0r
                Originally posted by res0nat0r
                OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                • chunky
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • Jan 2006
                  • 10570

                  Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                  Originally posted by res0nat0r
                  You closing the threads again res0
                  Originally posted by res0nat0r
                  OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                  • chunky
                    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 10570

                    Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                    answer the fucking question
                    Originally posted by res0nat0r
                    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                    • Jenks
                      I'm kind of a big deal.
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 10250

                      Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                      Originally posted by runningman
                      yep and it will be the National Gurad that kills you Americans when it is your time to get rowdy.
                      The National Guard doesn't stand a chance against "Americans." We're armed. We won't be tossing sticks and rocks. Not sure what the national stat is on how many people own guns, but more than half the people I know have em. I've got 3. I'm just sayin, a revolution here would be reeeeeeeeeeeal ugly.


                      • res0nat0r
                        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                        • May 2006
                        • 14475

                        Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                        Originally posted by chunky
                        You closing the threads again res0
                        Just correcting blatantly incorrect information. You can untwist you panties now.


                        • runningman
                          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5995

                          Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                          Reso you suffer from normalcy bias.. I'm not mad at you. I understand you


                          • F JOHN
                            Getting warmed up
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 57

                            Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                            when did yous'e people last have a good fucking night out.
                            a good idea would be to meet up in a car park and kick the fuck out of each other for an hour or two then make up and go to a really really good club night and just forget about it all.
                            let it go you will feel better


                            • res0nat0r
                              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                              • May 2006
                              • 14475

                              Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US



                              • res0nat0r
                                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                                • May 2006
                                • 14475

                                Re: Oh the Hypocrisy of the US

                                Originally posted by runningman
                                Reso you suffer from normalcy bias.. I'm not mad at you. I understand you
                                Just citing the facts. Sorry reality differs from how you think it should work.

