Linux mass MP3 organizer

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  • res0nat0r
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • May 2006
    • 14475

    Linux mass MP3 organizer

    This is about the best mass mp3 tagger I have found in Linux. I am sure there are better gui options, or things that have a lot of interaction and pointing and clicking, but I run this on my headless server and it is pretty great.

    It will use the MusicBrainz music db to guess what mp3's you have and can determine if it is close enough to a match and autocorrect mis-spellings and missing id3 info without any interaction. You can also install a plugin to do acoustic fingerprintnig (like what Shazam for your phone does), but this does seem to slow it down a lot.


    Tagging: [URL=""]Underworld[/URL] - Beaucoup Fish
    (Distance: [COLOR=lime]0.0[/COLOR])
     * Shudder [COLOR=red]+[/COLOR] King [COLOR=red]O[/COLOR]f Snake -> Shudder[COLOR=red] /[/COLOR] King [COLOR=red]o[/COLOR]f Snake
     * Something Like [COLOR=red]A[/COLOR] Mama -> Something Like [COLOR=red]a [/COLOR]Mama
    Tagging: [URL=""]Underworld[/URL] - Oblivion With Bells
    (Distance:[COLOR=lime] 0.0111511671335[/COLOR])
     * Holding [COLOR=red]T[/COLOR]he Moth -> Holding [COLOR=red]t[/COLOR]he Moth
     * Cuddle Bunny [COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]s [COLOR=red]T[/COLOR]he Celtic Villages -> Cuddle Bunny [COLOR=red]v[/COLOR]s. [COLOR=red]t[/COLOR]he Celtic Villages
    Correcting tags from:
         [URL=""]Underworld[/URL] - Second Toughest [COLOR=red]I[/COLOR]n [COLOR=red]T[/COLOR]he Infants
         [URL=""]Underworld[/URL] - Second Toughest [COLOR=red]i[/COLOR]n [COLOR=red]t[/COLOR]he Infants
    (Distance: [COLOR=lime]0.0[/COLOR])
     * Juanita[COLOR=red],[/COLOR] Kiteless[COLOR=red],[/COLOR] To Dream [COLOR=red]O[/COLOR]f Love -> Juanita [COLOR=red]/[/COLOR] Kiteless [COLOR=red]/[/COLOR] To Dream [COLOR=red]o[/COLOR]f Love
     * Banstyle Sappys Curry -> Banstyle [COLOR=red]/[/COLOR] Sappys Curry
     * Confusion [COLOR=red]T[/COLOR]he Waitress -> Confusion [COLOR=red]t[/COLOR]he Waitress
    Correcting tags from:
         [URL=""]U[COLOR=red]nkle[/COLOR][/URL] - Psyence Fiction
         [URL=""]U[COLOR=red]NKLE[/COLOR][/URL] - Psyence Fiction
    (Distance: [COLOR=lime]0.0264729926032[/COLOR])
     * Guns Blazing ([URL=""]Drums [COLOR=red]O[/COLOR]f Death[/URL] Pt 1) -> Guns Blazing ([URL=""]Drums [COLOR=red]o[/COLOR]f Death[/URL][COLOR=red],[/COLOR] P[COLOR=red]ar[/COLOR]t 1)[COLOR=red] (feat. Kool G Rap, Latyrx)[/COLOR]
     * [URL=""]Unkle[/URL] Main Title Theme -> [URL=""]Unkle[/URL] [COLOR=red]([/COLOR]Main Title Theme[COLOR=red])[/COLOR]
     * Bloodstain -> Bloodstain [COLOR=red](feat. Alice Temple)[/COLOR]
     * Lonely Soul -> Lonely Soul [COLOR=red](feat. Richard Ashcroft)[/COLOR]
     * Getting Ahead [COLOR=red]I[/COLOR]n [COLOR=red]T[/COLOR]he Lucrative Field [COLOR=red]O[/COLOR]f Artist Management -> Getting Ahead [COLOR=red]i[/COLOR]n [COLOR=red]t[/COLOR]he Lucrative Field [COLOR=red]o[/COLOR]f Artist Management
     * Nursery Rhyme[COLOR=red]b[/COLOR]reather -> Nursery Rhyme[COLOR=red] / B[/COLOR]reather [COLOR=red](feat. Badly Drawn Boy)[/COLOR]
     * The Knock ([URL=""]Drums [COLOR=red]O[/COLOR]f Death[/URL] Pt 2) -> The Knock ([URL=""]Drums [COLOR=red]o[/COLOR]f Death[/URL][COLOR=red],[/COLOR] P[COLOR=red]ar[/COLOR]t 2) [COLOR=red](feat. Mike D)[/COLOR]
     * Rabbit [COLOR=red]I[/COLOR]n Your Headlights -> Rabbit [COLOR=red]i[/COLOR]n Your Headlights [COLOR=red](feat. Thom Yorke)[/COLOR]
     * Outro[COLOR=red] (Mandatory) [/COLOR]-> Outro
     * Guns Blazing [COLOR=red]I[/COLOR]ntrumental -> Guns Blazing [COLOR=red]([URL=""]Drums of Death[/URL], Part 1)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red](i[/COLOR]n[COLOR=red]s[/COLOR]trumental[COLOR=red])[/COLOR]
     * The Knock ([URL=""]Drums [COLOR=red]O[/COLOR]f Death[/URL] Pt 2) -> The Knock ([URL=""]Drums [COLOR=red]o[/COLOR]f Death[/URL][COLOR=red],[/COLOR] P[COLOR=red]ar[/COLOR]t 2) [COLOR=red](instrumental)[/COLOR]
    Tagging: Urchin - Urchin
    (Distance: [COLOR=lime]0.00446428571429[/COLOR])
     * Crew [COLOR=red]C[/COLOR]ut -> Crew [COLOR=red]O[/COLOR]ut
    All of the above was done automatically once I pointed it to a dir with mp3's in it, and since all of these were a small distance away from what it thinks is a match it will do all this without any typing.

    I am slowly going thru everything and getting them up to snuff.
  • poults
    Platinum Poster
    • Nov 2006
    • 1987

    Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

    Is there anything that does this for Windows do you know?
    Originally posted by Hoff

    ejejejejejejejejeje!!!!! you always delivering some good dogs shits !!! thankyou


    • demonAfro
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 3488

      Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

      Looks like this is Python so it will work wherever Python does.

      How does it handle GENRE tags? Will give it a go on some really old messy files that I have........


      • picklemonkey
        Double hoodie beer monster
        • Jun 2004
        • 15373

        Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

        I typically prefer gui tools over command line tools. I've used EasyTAG in the past and it worked well... it may not have been as flexible as this one, though


        • res0nat0r
          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
          • May 2006
          • 14475

          Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

          Originally posted by poults
          Is there anything that does this for Windows do you know?
          I've used Tagscanner on Windows:

          I really like this app a lot, you can scan huge dir's and quickly tag and rename stuff and it will rename files and id3 tags based on a format you give it or id3 metadata. It is really good.

          Originally posted by demonAfro
          Looks like
          this is Python so it will work wherever Python does.

          How does it handle GENRE tags? Will give it a go on some really old messy files that I have........
          I haven't seen it touching the genre tag at all, probably because I guess that could be subjective.

          I've always easily fixed this by putting stuff in top level genre dir's and then just doing a:
          find . -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 | xargs -0 eyed3 --genre "GENRE NAME HERE"


          • res0nat0r
            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
            • May 2006
            • 14475

            Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

            This is awesome:



            • kevinalex
              • Apr 2011
              • 2

              Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

              The Guide to Linux operating system, as an exploration tour geared toward new users was created as an overview of the getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. Sometimes we can edit something and decide you do not like them. A TagTuner first music tag editor that offers you undo feature.


              • res0nat0r
                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                • May 2006
                • 14475

                Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

                blow me


                • Illuminate
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 5152

                  Re: Linux mass MP3 organizer

                  The One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One:
                  - You Will Be Missed.

                  "Mankind has the propensity to fuck itself up on anything it lays its hands on."

                  "Who moderates this forum and makes these decisions? Stevie Wonder?"
                  "i'd give her a muscle she doesn't have "
                  the banned1

                  "I love you Illuminate... that's divine/creator/God in me loving the origin of you."

