I think he will....but then again Bush did, so what does that say
Will Obama Win A Second Term?
Will Obama Win A Second Term?
18Yes50.00%9No33.33%6I'm Canadian16.67%3
It was fun while it lasted...Tags: None -
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
Crazy, lost, downtrodden, depraved, without a moral compass, etc. The meteoric rise of O was a result of that (and the huge levels of $ being poured into his campaign and a complacent media with their slobbering love affair) and simply involved trading one NWO puppet for another, and there's no logical reason to be pawns for one or the other. In order to avoid slavery, the typical R&D paradigm has to be ditched. I do know that voting for someone with a morally and ethically compromised background (one example of many: see Tony Rezco), NARCISSISM (which you are plainly blind if you can't see it), racist-baiting tendencies (libs really need to let go of that white guilt), no leadership qualities, who talks smooth (mostly courtesy of teleprompter delivery) with a forked tongue and only gives lip service to the constitution is the path to national suicide and tyranny (we are quickly rushing full speed ahead towards the precipice)...I hope America (if even given the chance) doesn't make that mistake twice. Ron Paul is my candidate of choice.
Trump's raising of the eligibility issue is notable (and yes, he has faced marriage trouble aplenty...but at least there's a sincerity in his relationships; the one between the current WH occupier and his wife is very cold and utilitarian, almost like a business relationship and very much a put-on for the public), but I fear he'll just conveniently forget about the matter if/when he gets the nomination, and I have no idea what his feelings are re: the FED and their disastrous easy-money policies. His foreign policy will likely continue to be the same with the industrial military complex breathing down his neck (and his profit-driven mind will thus be too kind to their goals). I don't know if he'll have the wherewithal to overcome the environmentalist lobby to actually create a sound domestic energy policy (with our vast reserves) in the near-term (gas hit $119 per barrel today) that will make all this Middle East meddling moot and make it even harder to justify future costly wars to be waged there.Comment
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
Obama the shill has served his pro zionist masters very well and did what was expected of him no questions asked.
These traitors who reside in the US are the only ones who will decide upon Barrys fate, not you.
But if voting makes you feel all warm and all fuzzy inside, then go right ahead, knock yourself out.“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Marcus Tullius CiceroComment
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
Does it matter one jot? Much of what he said he'd do he's not done, same as 99% of politicians who lie their way in to office. He is no more than a fucking puppet, whether the next term it's him or another puppet makes no real odds at all.Comment
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
Also massive LULZ about this teleprompter shit. Really WTF are you guys on about? EVERY president uses a teleprompter, I don't fucking get it. You need to dig in the ditches somewhere else for some other crap to shovel with that one, because this one really is too stupid to even comprehend.Comment
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
^Thank you. We'll stop mentioning the teleprompter necessity as soon as people stop calling this community agitator some kind of genius (a supposed lawyer with no degree ever having been shown, nor no known cases over which he's presided). He's slick, no doubt, but he is being propped up.Comment
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
^Thank you. We'll stop mentioning the teleprompter necessity as soon as people stop calling this community agitator some kind of genius (a supposed lawyer with no degree ever having been shown, nor no known cases over which he's presided). He's slick, no doubt, but he is being propped up.
WTF are you talking about. Every president has speechwriters, they write the speechs for them for the most part, the president reviews/changes it a bit, and then read them to the public. If you are going to talk and give a prepared speech, you would have notecards or a teleprompter right? WTF do you think should happen? He should spend 4 hours memorizing each speech and give a fireside chat with a Cosby sweater on? I think all presidents have better things to do with their time than memorizing their speeches word for word to somehow compensate for whatever you are trying to say here.Comment
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
It's not just speeches, it's every public engagement. I am saying he barely has the facilities to speak off-the-cuff. And indeed, this so-called Pres has many better things to do than mentally prepare thanks to the golfing and vacationing that he's regularly undertaking, even during times of crises.Comment
Re: Will Obama Win A Second Term?
It's not just me...I've seen some White House insider reports admit the same about his (lack of) impromptu speaking abilities (and you can believe that public image is everything with this Pres...his narcissism demands that he be liked). Bush had 8 years to rack up those vacation days to be fair...but, again, he's cut from the same globalist puppetry cloth. The Bush family sold their soul many years ago.Comment
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