Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
There will be no rational discussion in this forum whatsoever until the unitaleral usage of the words: MSM/zionist/traitor/sucumbag/filthy/disgusting/treacherous/cowardly are banned. Hence this will be my only response to this.Gotta have something to be pissed off about right?
Also for the 10th time, he was never going to be brought in alive...thats the way it is. It may be fuct up and I may not necessarily agree, but again thats how it is.
Also, I wasn't aware that you were privy to the Seal Team Six debrief where the shot him while he was busy watching reruns of Murder She Wrote while chugging down a family size bag of Ruffles.
I think a good way for Pickle to police MS from here on out, is to take your post count, calculate if 50% or greater of your total posts are in Politics only, then you are banned. Good way to keep this site focused on music. I'd be happy to write a Python script that takes a daily MySQL database dump and implements this.
I'm out.
Reso at his finest.“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Marcus Tullius CiceroComment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Marcus Tullius CiceroComment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
I think a good way for Pickle to police MS from here on out, is to take your post count, calculate if 50% or greater of your total posts are in Politics only, then you are banned. Good way to keep this site focused on music.Originally posted by res0nat0rOK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
and count how many times someone says "I'm out" and then comes back..Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
this video backs me up on what i,ve been saying right from the beginning, osama was a clever fucker, clever enough to fool the CIA for a good 10 years so that should kinda give u an incline on how easily he would of been to fool also the ISI and also fake his own death ( this has been done by many in the past )Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
hahaha I don't think that video backs your claim at all really.. Hamid Gul who led the ISI says he thought OBL died years ago.
This whole thing is propaganda. Look at how both the Republicans and Democrats are spinning it
Obama now looks like a real leader who can get things done by killing the bad guy
This should really help with his reelection
They say that torture and rendition is good and they were validated for doing it because the ends justified the means
Both parties scare the shit out of me. They are both psychopaths and would shoot their own mothers to get electedComment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
hahaha I don't think that video backs your claim at all really.. Hamid Gul who led the ISI says he thought OBL died years ago.
This whole thing is propaganda. Look at how both the Republicans and Democrats are spinning it
Obama now looks like a real leader who can get things done by killing the bad guy
This should really help with his reelection
Both parties scare the shit out of me. They are both psychopaths and would shoot their own mothers to get elected
as for the political side of things well imo it doesn't really matter who is/was in power when they found osama as it would look favourable on any guy that was in the seat @ the time, a lot of people overlook that fact, just because obama hasn't exactly been favoured recently because of oil and other shit doesn't mean that he only got osama to make himself look good for the re-election campaign.
If u think that the next people to get into government are going to change things any better than things are going right now then think again, compared with european oil prices the US has got it made as we pay double what u guys are paying. i actually don't think obama has been a bad president but thats just my 2 cents worth.
They say that torture and rendition is good and they were validated for doing it because the ends justified the meansComment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
osama made video's claiming that he was responsible for the planning of 9/11 and in his OWN WORDS said that they had been planning it for quite sometime, even if he didnt plan it he was pretty fucking stupid to do this LOL.. these guys (al Qaeda ) aint ur average street thugs ( like mafia ) as they are not only very fucking clever but somewhat trained to a certain military spec, you dont wanna fuck around with these guys if ur just your average joe living in a town somewhere in the middle of me when i say this "FEAR THESE PEOPLE"...if i had family members who were killed in 9/11 i would see common sense and not ask for all the info because that would put me @ risk from these guys potentially kidnapping and torturing the fuck out of me to gain that info...personally i would leave that shit to the people who were able to deal with it, They couldn't siege the building for days because they obviously don't fully trust the pakistani government and had not one single bit of official permission to be in the country to execute the mission.... personally i would also like to find out how they knew that the pakistani armed forces had scrambled fighter jets ( kinda shows u the level of the mission ) as for shooting him well this kinda makes sense if u sit and think about it...time was not on their sides....45 minutes had past...they really didnt know if they had flown into an al Qaeda strong hold or how the pakistani forces would react so in fact trying to drag an unwilling man in to a helicopter in the middle of a gun fight aint really a wise thing to do plus the order was dead or alive
this evidence would have been submitted to security services around the world a very long time ago, the chances of the press/public ever seeing this are minimal...that info is worth millions if not billions of $'s if it were to be sold to the wrong hands.
Al Qaeda trained to military spec. What for? in the last 10 years how many para military attacks have we had from al Qaeda? None. There's been no abseiling down the roof of some embassy at midnight, no week long hostage situation. No 20 man shot out at the OK coral. In fact there has has been nothing that has required some highly trained military spec solder. What we have had is the pants bomber, the shoe bomber & 7/7.All of which where carried out by people who where at best incompetent and certainly didn't look like they where part of any underground network of super solders. In fact why train someone to military spec just to have them blow themselves up in some bizarre suicide mission.
The only thing I have seen to support your statement is some videos of individuals shooting rocks in the desert and doing the krypton factor obstacle course. and sorry but asking you to Trust You on this doesn't really make your statement any more believable. Maybe you should watch Adam Curtis's The Power Of Nightmares where he actually go's to one of these training camps. In 2001 the Bush administration told us they would show us the evidence that Al Qaeda where responsible for 9/11, but guess what they never did. You tell us this evidence would have been submitted to security services around the world a very long time ago and to have us believe that this evidence was submitted to security services around the world a very long time ago, your asking a lot there. In fact most of your post is based on speculation not truth.Originally posted by res0nat0rOK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
And that's not the only thing;
It doesn't take the mastermind of some underground network of super solder and the worlds most wanted man to think about having some sort of escape plan. There where no arms found at the compound, no explosives, no super solders and no escape plan. We are told he was there for at least four years. Call me sceptical but I would have at least had some sort of tunnel to get out in case the compound came under attack. I would also have maybe thought of having some weapons and maybe just maybe thought about rigging the place with explosives. Instead we got a gardener with an AK45 which will probably be a rake by the end of next week.Originally posted by res0nat0rOK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
So Bin Laden apparently made a video claiming he was responsible for the attacks, funny thing with that video he also claimed he was the most optimistic and had the foresight to believe the buildings would collapse as a result of the attack.
Al Qaeda trained to military spec. What for? in the last 10 years how many para military attacks have we had from al Qaeda? None. There's been no abseiling down the roof of some embassy at midnight, no week long hostage situation. No 20 man shot out at the OK coral. In fact there has has been nothing that has required some highly trained military spec solder. What we have had is the pants bomber, the shoe bomber & 7/7.All of which where carried out by people who where at best incompetent and certainly didn't look like they where part of any underground network of super solders. In fact why train someone to military spec just to have them blow themselves up in some bizarre suicide mission.
The only thing I have seen to support your statement is some videos of individuals shooting rocks in the desert and doing the krypton factor obstacle course. and sorry but asking you to Trust You on this doesn't really make your statement any more believable. Maybe you should watch Adam Curtis's The Power Of Nightmares where he actually go's to one of these training camps. In 2001 the Bush administration told us they would show us the evidence that Al Qaeda where responsible for 9/11, but guess what they never did.
as for the claims of military trained spec, ok they aint exactly navy seals but they are known to have operatives operating in military training camps in certain areas and certainly in the camps of police training in Afghanistan gaining training, most leave those camps fully trained and pass on their skills to others, ok the images of people running around an assault course in the middle of a desert aint exactly putting fear into the forces minds when it comes down to it but this is the "public" image, the guys that go through there receive a basic training and are probably at the bottom of the list when it comes to skill wise but ( i may be wrong here ) like most forces will have people trained to different levels within the organisation, they aint stupid people m8 and this is what makes them dangerous.
you mention the lack of attacks but you have completely overlooked just how effective the attacks carried out have been, they don't just fill trucks up with explosives and drive them to a certain point and trigger the detonator ... there is planning behind these attacks and surely 9/11 should show this to be true..
getting explosives onto flights would be extremely difficult for even a trained seal or someone else who is highly trained, there are many things security wise you don't see in airports so the likely hood of the chemicals in the shoe bomber and the pants bomber were probably not correctly mixed thus not setting off any alarm bells in the airport security measures and also this was probably why they were not either successful or caught before they boarded.
You tell us this evidence would have been submitted to security services around the world a very long time ago and to have us believe that this evidence was submitted to security services around the world a very long time ago, your asking a lot there. In fact most of your post is based on speculation not truth.Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
Really I can upload the video of this one if you want? It was bradcast on the ITN News on Wednesday this weekOriginally posted by res0nat0rOK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
you mention the lack of attacks but you have completely overlooked just how effective the attacks carried out have been, they don't just fill trucks up with explosives and drive them to a certain point and trigger the detonator ... there is planning behind these attacks and surely 9/11 should show this to be true..Originally posted by res0nat0rOK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!Comment
Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.
doesn't the fact that these guys actually are training people in the desert of whatever alert you to the fact that these guys really want to achieve something ? i mean if they don't really want to achieve anything then why are they putting people through training ? every military outfit in the world had to start somewhere and they have furthered their skills through training soldiers for a long period of time, do you really want al qaeda to further their knowledge in military like operations/training... its a nip in the butt type situation and imo its wiseComment
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