Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

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  • Highsteppa
    Gold Gabber
    • Feb 2005
    • 735

    Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

    Originally posted by thebanned1
    lol u need to get ur head out of the conspiracy gutter m8

    of course the story is changing all the time because after all this was a highly secret mission... its not as if they are going to relay every correct detail as it happens, most of what u read in the papers and see on the news is filled with reporters speculation about what happened to fill a story
    There's also the matter of debriefing the SEALs that were involved in the mission, corroborating the events of each one, and being able to sort out the common facts on the mission itself, as well as interrogating the detainees, which could take a while. I haven't seen a mention of how many people in total were in the compound, how many were captured or an exact number of SEALs that were deployed on the mission either, nor what the support/backup consisted of if the mission had gone south. I read some speculation that an AC 130 could have been deployed as back up on the mission - but that's just it - speculation..

    And the fact that there are naturally going to be some things on the mission that are going to be redacted or kept under wraps for a number of reasons (protecting the anonymity of the SEAL team involved, sensitive information that could compromise intelligence if released to the public). Most of the stuff that's been released is speculation - fuck, even Leon Panetta, the CIA head himself was speculating that the pictures were going to be released, which probably means he's not 100% in the loop, and probably doesn't have access to all the mission information. We probably won't see the entire story for a long time, but the official story will probably take a few weeks to get released - interviewing however many people and checking the data against each other is going to take some time, as well as informing the participants of what can be talked about and what is classified.

    If people want to believe that they're being lied to - let them believe what they want to believe - their own ignorance is their own bliss.

    Side note - I wonder how the guy who shot bin Laden is feeling right now. Must be an incredible weight to carry around to be one of the biggest badasses and not be able to talk about it to anyone other than your squadmates.


    • runningman
      Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
      • Jun 2004
      • 5995

      Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

      But the whole story has been a lie? Hasn't it?

      Can anyone tell me any part of the story that hasn't changed. Stockholm Syndrome is an epidemic.. I should create the vaccine for it.


      • runningman
        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
        • Jun 2004
        • 5995

        Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

        Now they are say OBL was caught alive and shot dead.. so his 12 year old daughter says.

        This story is so cooked it is unbelievable!!


        • Highsteppa
          Gold Gabber
          • Feb 2005
          • 735

          Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

          Originally posted by runningman
          But the whole story has been a lie? Hasn't it?
          No. YOU think it's a lie. That's your opinion. And if you choose that, fine. But it's your opinion and nothing else.

          You are the one that wants others to believe your point of view, and will keep posting over and over anything that you find that you think proves your point and try to imply a separate narrative in order to earn the buy in from others or just simply for your own attention needs.


          • res0nat0r
            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
            • May 2006
            • 14475

            Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.


            • thebanned1
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • May 2009
              • 5030

              Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

              Originally posted by runningman
              How can you have a common sense if you are being lied too? Well it will be commonly wrong sense wouldn't it
              you are completely avoiding my know something about this girls boyfriend and you are not telling her thus you are keeping a secret from her... why are you doing that ?

              see you spout tons of shit about hearing "truth" but in fact you are just acting like a politician does ( with regards to telling this girl about her cheating boyfriend )... you obviously think that she doesn't have the right to know about it so you obviously don't think she can be trusted with that information... why are you doing this ?

              you obviously don't want to cause trouble... need i say more?

              I see you didn't want to talk about the lies that have been told already
              what lies have you been told ? the lies you have been told are based on what you have been reading/hearing in the media and like i said earlier which u completely missed is that half of that shit is fabricated just to fill the story or based on miss information supposedly leaked from government officials which really probably don't have a fucking clue whats going on in the first place...believe me when i say this...the only people that will truly know the complete and full story are the generals that planned it, obama and a few other high ranking politicians and of course the guys that carried out the mission... don't blame them !!! blame the pricks that want to benefit from it buy selling newspapers, people who want high viewing rates on their tv shows and of course last but not least the conspiracy theorists who thrive on feeding the idiots that cant even see where they are putting thier next footstep never mind use a bit of COMMON FUCKING SENSE to look at a situation and break it down for what it really is
              How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


              • Highsteppa
                Gold Gabber
                • Feb 2005
                • 735

                Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                pics of the compound, post raid (allegedly) - no pics of bin Laden. Though with how many photoshoped/out of context photos that are floating around right now, hard to say if these are at all real. Canoe is a recognized news source here in Canada, but not exactly the greatest one (it's tied to a more tabloid-ish newspaper group called Sun Media, who are more known for having a great sports section than anything else they publish).

                Be warned some of the pics are pretty graphic


                • thebanned1
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • May 2009
                  • 5030

                  Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                  Originally posted by Highsteppa

                  Side note - I wonder how the guy who shot bin Laden is feeling right now. Must be an incredible weight to carry around to be one of the biggest badasses and not be able to talk about it to anyone other than your squadmates.
                  m8 these guys are trained to the highest standards and are well taught and experienced in secrecy this is exactly why these people get this sort of mission... yea it must be a weight on his shoulders but in all honesty if it remains in a trusted loop of guys then he will be fine for the rest of his life, he can at least take some comfort in that... this is so highly secret and important that i,m guessing that the people who under took the mission will be monitored by the security services for quite sometime and they will know they are so the likely hood that one of these guys leaking information about this mission will be extremely minimal to say the least... i wouldn't be surprised that this will be treated in the same way as "black ops" are
                  How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                  • runningman
                    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5995

                    Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                    It doesn't bother you guys that the story has been completely changed?

                    I haven't told the girl because he is my buddy. Why else? It has nothing to do with causing trouble. Just like Obama likes the guys that gave him money for his election more than the average American. He is more loyal to them as I am more loyal to my buddy. I don't see your point banned??

                    The story has completely changed. Go through my points where I say it is a lie and prove me wrong. And then I can post my links to support my claims and then we can just leave it at that. Last I checked claiming Common Sense isn't a defense in court.

                    No Name calling and let's tone the sarcasm and just duke it out with links? Game?


                    • Highsteppa
                      Gold Gabber
                      • Feb 2005
                      • 735

                      Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                      Originally posted by thebanned1
                      m8 these guys are trained to the highest standards and are well taught and experienced in secrecy this is exactly why these people get this sort of mission... yea it must be a weight on his shoulders but in all honesty if it remains in a trusted loop of guys then he will be fine for the rest of his life, he can at least take some comfort in that... this is so highly secret and important that i,m guessing that the people who under took the mission will be monitored by the security services for quite sometime and they will know they are so the likely hood that one of these guys leaking information about this mission will be extremely minimal to say the least... i wouldn't be surprised that this will be treated in the same way as "black ops" are
                      You're right. Considering that they're deployed into probably some of the craziest situations known to man, you're not exactly throwing your average G.I. Joe into those kind of situations. It's just when you see or hear about them, the focus is almost always on the grueling physical training with almost no mention of the mental training that goes along with it (I'm sure that classroom training doesn't really make for really sexy recruitment/image material). And of course, being a part of that team probably means a psychological evaluation to see if you can be trusted with the U.S.'s most delicate secrets and being a participant in those scenarios that they're deployed in. I'm guessing that taming one's ego would be part of the training or the requirement for such a position.


                      • res0nat0r
                        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                        • May 2006
                        • 14475

                        Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                        Originally posted by runningman
                        It doesn't bother you guys that the story has been completely changed?
                        it hasn't completely changed. please use common sense when it comes to this instead of just seizing on one nonsense issue so that can continue. as spock says, that is not logical.


                        • runningman
                          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5995

                          Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                          I was going to go link by link but this article from Canada's the Globe and Mail sums up most Canadians opinions and goes point by point of what I'm trying to say

                          This is a great article taking about the confusion that is coming out of the White House.

                          Thank You Sonia Verma.. You saved me a lot of time.. It is 3 pages long

                          Banned she doesn't have any brothers..


                          • Highsteppa
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Feb 2005
                            • 735

                            Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                            Guys, he's already made up his mind before this thread even started. Why bother engaging him in a conversation that is a dead end to begin with?


                            • res0nat0r
                              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                              • May 2006
                              • 14475

                              Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                              Originally posted by Highsteppa
                              Guys, he's already made up his mind before this thread even started. Why bother engaging him in a conversation that is a dead end to begin with?
                              i should have learned 3 years ago


                              • Highsteppa
                                Gold Gabber
                                • Feb 2005
                                • 735

                                Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                                Originally posted by res0nat0r
                                i should have learned 3 years ago
                                Dude, I'm trying reeeeeal hard to take my own advice.

