Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

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  • thebanned1
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • May 2009
    • 5032

    Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

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    • thebanned1
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • May 2009
      • 5032

      Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

      BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service
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      • thebanned1
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • May 2009
        • 5032

        Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

        On Christmas Day 2009, Abdulmutallab traveled from Ghana to Amsterdam, where he boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route to Detroit. He had purchased his ticket with cash in Ghana on December 16.[114] Eyewitnesses Kurt Haskell and Lori Haskell recounted live on CNN that, prior to boarding the plane, they witnessed a "smartly dressed Indian man" who spoke "in an American accent" helping Abdulmutallab onto the plane.[115][116][117][118] They also testify that the ticket agent refused to allow Abdulmutallab on the plane because he did not have his own passport.[119] These circumstances underlie some of the passengers' speculations that the U.S. government supplied a defective device to the perpetrator and a man in a tan suit with an American accent intervened, the matter was referred to a manager, and Abdulmutallab was then able to board the plane, presumably still without a passport.[120] Such a defense and counterclaim will unlikely be played in Court as long as Abdulmutallab insists on undertaking his own defense, which some take as yet a further suggestion that Abdulmutallab is subject to manipulation.
        Abdulmutallab spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom as the flight approached Detroit, and then covered himself with a blanket after returning to his seat. Other passengers then heard popping noises, smelled a foul odor, and some saw Abdulmutallab’s trouser leg and the wall of the plane on fire. Fellow passenger Jasper Schuringa, a Dutch film director, jumped on Abdulmutallab and subdued him as flight attendants used fire extinguishers to douse the flames.[121] Abdulmutallab was taken toward the front of the airplane cabin, was seen to have lost his trousers due to the fire, and had burns on his legs.[122] When asked by a flight attendant what he had in his pocket, he replied: “Explosive device.” The device consisted of a six-inch (15-cm) packet which was sewn into his underwear[1][123][124] containing the explosive powder PETN, which became a plastic explosive when mixed[125] with the high explosive triacetone triperoxide (TAPN) (the same two explosives that were used by Richard Reid in 2001[126][127]), and a syringe containing liquid acid.[128] Abdulmutallab created the explosive by mixing PETN with TAPN and other ingredients.[128]
        After being taken into custody, Abdulmutallab told authorities he had been directed by al Qaeda, and that he had obtained the device in Yemen.[129] Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the organization's affiliate in Yemen, subsequently claimed responsibility for the attack, describing it as revenge for the United States' role in a Yemeni military offensive against al Qaeda in that country.[130]
        LOL just because they guy had an american accent doesn't mean it was a CIA operative...and this is a huge lax in security, he should not have been allowed to board that plane
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        • thebanned1
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • May 2009
          • 5032

          Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

          i,d also like to know more info on this guy with the american accent...where does he suddenly get out from the story ? did he board the plane ? and why did the manager who he spoke to not reveal to officials/security services what the guy with the american accent said to him before the guy was allowed to board the plane ?

          my thoughts on this just confirms of just how dangerous these guys are, if the guy with the american accent was an al qaeda operative then he must of had knowledge on how a member of the security services would be able to get a guy without a passport onto a plane...does that make sense ?
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          • thebanned1
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • May 2009
            • 5032

            Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

            Originally posted by thebanned1
            and why did the manager who he spoke to not reveal to officials/security services what the guy with the american accent said to him before the guy was allowed to board the plane ?
            actually he probably did but i,m guessing it would be classified info for a reason
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            • runningman
              Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
              • Jun 2004
              • 5995

              Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

              ugg, this is just depressing to wake up and see this all over the news today, the day after the best holiday around.... enough is enough, i think its time we just cordon off the middle east and let them rot amongst themselves.... we really need to cut ourselves off from the area and let them forget us. stop the foreign

              Go through the thread.


              • runningman
                Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                • Jun 2004
                • 5995

                Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                Also the CIA admits they like making videos to put out as propaganda.

                They were going to make a video before going into Iraq of a Saddam look a like having gay sex with a teenage boy. They were going to circulate it in Iraq to discredit him with his people.

                Also that video where Bin Laden takes credit for the attacks was a fake.. That is common knowledge as well.


                • res0nat0r
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • May 2006
                  • 14475

                  Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                  President Obama is going to be on 60 Minutes tonight talking about this.

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                  • thebanned1
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • May 2009
                    • 5032

                    Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                    Originally posted by runningman

                    so this Kurt Haskell dude is a lawyer and this makes his story more credible ? at the end of the day he saw 2 american guys escorting a man without a passport onto a flight and immediately came to the conclusion that the 2 american guys were CIA officials ? i,m quite sure of a couple of things here

                    1: those american guys had a huge sign above their heads saying " HI WERE THE CIA " so in fact Kurt Haskell must be correct in assuming that these were US officials due to the big sign... at the end of the day he really has no evidence to who both these american guys were and as a lawyer i,m actually quite shocked that he made these claims without actual hard evidence. can u actually show me compelling evidence that his claims are justified ?

                    2: the CIA are not stupid, why risk taking a bomb into a foreign country with the risk of it being defective and actually exploding while they are in the company of a man going through a foreign airport with it strapped to him.. the potential back lash of this happening would have dire consequence for all involved.. i,ve seen countries going to war for less.

                    3: I'm sure the CIA wouldn't want to draw attention to both themselves and the man with the bomb by not giving him a passport to complete the operation if it was in fact a covert operation...and i,m sure the dutch authorities don't have camera's in their airports so their security services won't have footage of these so called "CIA operatives" passing through the airport and of course there wouldn't be a complete shit storm between the dutch and americans...christ that would of been all over the news more than the actual event would of LOL

                    4:Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab as a man on a mission where he knew he was going to die in the name of jihad or whatever would sell his soul to the enemy and carry out a mission for them to make it harder for other attacks to be performed by al qaeda oh and knowing of course that the CIA had given him a defective bomb then go and burn his the nut sack off. but i,m sure you could say thats he turned @ the last minute and the CIA told him that permanently disfiguring himself for life is the only way out.

                    i,m sorry m8 but i find these stories completely absurd and completely hideous as they all really surface from speculation without any real hard data or evidence but hey i suppose they sell papers and make good tv though huh ?

                    my personal view on this one is that al qaeda are becoming more and more clever in planning out their attacks as they have had to since security has tightened up and the worlds forces close in on them... they are like terrorists the world has never seen before, extremely cunning and particularly snide, well funded and with exceptionally clever guys planning out stuff for them.

                    I also think they are a little shell shocked by the response of the worlds forces in tackling them and i think this is why you see fewer attacks due to the fear of exposing themselves in the process and ALSO why you are seeing cunning well planned out attacks when they actually do 1.
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                    • thebanned1
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • May 2009
                      • 5032

                      Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                      Originally posted by runningman
                      Also the CIA admits they like making videos to put out as propaganda.

                      They were going to make a video before going into Iraq of a Saddam look a like having gay sex with a teenage boy. They were going to circulate it in Iraq to discredit him with his people.

                      Also that video where Bin Laden takes credit for the attacks was a fake.. That is common knowledge as well.
                      no offence m8 ( and this is NOT a personal attack ) but if u keep going the way ur going with this the threads going to end up in fake moon landing links and all sorts... yea the CIA probably thought of something as radical as this but have u ever asked yourself why they didn't go through with it ? it would of been easy to carry it out.

                      again i think this is a completely absurd idea probably born from some sort of roumer flying around in slightly paranoid minds a group of people who doubt... i want to see things like this coming from the word of a current CIA operative as complete evidence not bull shit news channels and newspapers and of course internet information...nothing can be verified as correct within these circles
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                      • runningman
                        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5995

                        Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                        So according to you how do you stop al qaeda?

                        Do we kill all the muslims like we did to the Indians here in America? Or do we just strip everyone of their rights? Because the more "clever" they get means they are cleverly working the system.

                        So which is it? And I would like you to answer because I want to know which one of your final solutions you are for.

                        Also don't take this as attack but are you really Scottish?


                        • runningman
                          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5995

                          Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                          Why would you question Kurt Haskells credibility but not question how he got on the plane without a passport in a post 9/11 airport system?


                          • thebanned1
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • May 2009
                            • 5032

                            Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                            Originally posted by runningman
                            So according to you how do you stop al qaeda?

                            Do we kill all the muslims like we did to the Indians here in America? Or do we just strip everyone of their rights? Because the more "clever" they get means they are cleverly working the system.

                            So which is it? And I would like you to answer because I want to know which one of your final solutions you are for.

                            Also don't take this as attack but are you really Scottish?
                            lol yea m8 i,m scottish born and bread :P lived here all my days

                            i have no definitive answer as to how u stop al qaeda but i think the way things are going right now are a good step forward as they seem a little rattled by the response as i said previously..eventually people will get the message about how dangerous it is to join such groups so i think there are or will be less people signing up...breaking them down in that way is certainly a good start, eventually ( probably a long time ) things will fizzle to a point where the remaining ones will be suitably easy to deal with, the security services really don't know just how large or small al qaeda are.

                            i dont think they will ever be able to eliminate the hate and i,m sure the brits are well knowledged on this with their experience in ireland.

                            i,m sorry but where does killing anything that moves come into this ? its only a small amount of the muslim population that are radicalised and its finding out who is and who is not that's the hard part and why its costing so much money in the like that doesn't come cheaply.

                            like i said i do not have a final solution.
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                            • thebanned1
                              DUDERZ get a life!!!
                              • May 2009
                              • 5032

                              Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                              Originally posted by runningman
                              Why would you question Kurt Haskells credibility but not question how he got on the plane without a passport in a post 9/11 airport system?
                              kinda already touched on this earlier running, my thoughts on it that al qaeda are starting to not only get correct info on how security officials operate but also are clever enough to carry out this knowledge in their own covert operations. trickery being the key word here
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                              • floridaorange
                                I'm merely a humble butler
                                • Dec 2005
                                • 29116

                                Re: Bin Laden's Pictures to be released.

                                never mind

                                It was fun while it lasted...

