Yabba dabba do, Seth MacFarlane will finally achieve his dream! The mastermind behind Family Guy will reboot the classic animated series The Flintstones for Fox.
Fox execs made the announcement at the network’s presentation today in New York. The show will go in production this fall for a 2013 launch. “One of the first things I ever drew was Fred Flintstone,” MacFarlane told advertisers. As for his re-imagination, he said the show has to keep up with the times but some things will remain familiar for old fans. “The characters will look the same but the only thing that will change is the stories,” he said. “What’s the [prehistoric] version of an iPod?”
Dan Palladino (Gilmore Girls) and Kara Vallow (Family Guy) will also serve as exec producers.
In case you’ve been living under a rock (d’oh!), The Flintstones follows two hard-working middle-class families living with the “contemporary conveniences” in the dinosaur-era town of Bedrock. The series centers on Fred Flintstone and his best friend and sidekick Barney.
