Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
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Re: Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
Why is it i always seem to not know when the good djs come to town. An always know when the crap Djs come to town
I missed Steve Lawler last year and now this.
Its only down the bloody road aswell.
Man am i pissed!
Re: Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
i almost feel sorry for desyn masiello. so many of his sets have an mc rabbiting on about crap over the top! come and play in england for a change - we promise we won't talk over the top! great set as always!Comment
Re: Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
Originally posted by Dhar_2Its only down the bloody road aswell.Push the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011Comment
Re: Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
Originally posted by qwerty2222thanks for the set man!Push the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011Comment
Re: Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
Originally posted by Dhar_2that is one thing that really winds me up.
dumbass italians.
they never shut up!!!
Oh and thanks for the setGreat DJ, Great City.
Re: Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
quello é la problema.
é solo cazzate.
non ho sentito cosi tanto merde. E la musica? obviomente non importa
Al fine, le discoteche qua e pieno di fighetti sfigati!!!
Re: Desyn Masiello live @ New York Jazz, Treviso Italia 06.01.2006
^^^^I babel fish ( translated the above text through alta vista and came up with this-
pear tree from and the true one, I had a set of Lee Burridge to pervert and the Franchino wax (creed that was he) that it continued to say hauled
Word brother!Push the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011Comment