Good homefix for cold/flu?

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  • feather
    Shanghai ooompa loompa
    • Jul 2004
    • 20903

    Good homefix for cold/flu?

    I'm trying out honey/ginger/lemon


    Originally posted by Hoff
    a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
    Originally posted by m1sT3rL
    Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

    I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.
  • Jenks
    I'm kind of a big deal.
    • Jun 2004
    • 10250

    Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

    im on day 10 of influenza and pneumonia (failed on not getting a flu shot this year). reeeeeally sucks. only thing that's worked so far is a steady cocktail of prescribed pharmaceuticals, lots of water, and rest. tea, honey, and lemon is nice to sip though. ginger is for upset stomach only. if you're trying to fight it alone, drink a ton of water. you should be getting up for a vigorous piss at least every three hours, if you're not, you're not drinking enough water. good luck. i'm about over it.


    • bobjuice
      • May 2008
      • 4894

      Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

      Originally posted by feather
      I'm trying out honey/ginger/lemon

      add garlic and chillies to that


      • trick12
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jul 2007
        • 4412

        Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

        Originally posted by feather
        I'm trying out honey/ginger/lemon
        thats a good one, heat the water with the ginger, and then add the lemon and honey.

        lemon and honey alone do miracles too
        Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!


        • Garrick
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • Jun 2004
          • 6764

          Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

          if you're having trouble sleeping, a little whiskey in that concauction helps put you to sleep too (hot tottie)... i don't think less than a shot would dehydrate you very much. like jenks said, in the meantime drink tons of water.

          hope you feel better soon!
          Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


          • jackdaniels
            Addiction started
            • Aug 2008
            • 327

            Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

            Use a humidifier...and eat food containing hot chillies.


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29119

              Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

              I load up on this stuff... like 2 every 4 hours... it's always worked for me, in addition to lemons and steam and chillies.

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • DIDI
                Aussie Pest
                • Nov 2004
                • 16845

                Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                Once you have really got it, it pretty well has to run it's course. Drinking lots of water , honey and lemon will make it less uncomfortable.

                For me, first sneeze or touch of a sore throat, it's Garlic, horseradish Vitamin c tabs. If I do it soon enough it seems to stop them in their tracks,

                Sudafed etc, Please don't !! That runny nose is part of debris caused by your body fighting off the cold/flu. All sudafed etc do is dry you out , and the debris stays and can cause sinus infections. Then you can be really in trouble. People can have those for years I have had one for 20 months, I'm sort of keeping it under control, but I still have an underlying infection. The Eye and Ear hospital have thrown everything at it , nothing worked and some things made it a lot worse. Sinus infections are notoriously difficult to get rid of.
                Originally posted by TheVrk
                it IS incredible isn't it??
                STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                The 'club spirit'๏ปฟ is in the soul. It Never Dies


                • Shpira
                  Angry Boy Child
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 4969

                  Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                  shot of whiskey, lime and sugar or lemsip
                  The Idiots ARE Winning.

                  "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                  Mark Twain

                  SOBRIETY MIX


                  • mnbvcxz
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Feb 2006
                    • 1312

                    Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                    Water, rest, cold/flu tablets. Problem solved.


                    • Dhar_2
                      meat and potatoes
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 18925

                      Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                      grappa and honey!


                      • Garrick
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 6764

                        Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                        Originally posted by DIDI
                        I have had one for 20 months, I'm sort of keeping it under control, but I still have an underlying infection. The Eye and Ear hospital have thrown everything at it, nothing worked and some things made it a lot worse. Sinus infections are notoriously difficult to get rid of.
                        20 months?! due to taking sudafed? lord, i hope you get better soon!
                        Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


                        • bananapeel
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 471

                          Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                          Simple Chicken Noodle Soup!


                          • 88Mariner
                            My dick is smaller
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 7128

                            Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                            when i get sick like that:

                            1. copious amounts of ginger ale
                            2. copious amounts of chicken noodle (ramen or campbell's) with lots of crushed red pepper thrown in
                            3. saltines

                            it's about the only time i can stick to a particular diet lmao

                            hope you feel better brah!
                            you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

                            it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

                            Am I the corners of your mind....



                            • runningman
                              Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 5995

                              Re: Good homefix for cold/flu?

                              Colloidal Silver
                              Oil of Oregano

