the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
The real answer is that it is empowering to take ownership of an epithet and make it a positive, sort of the way girls will now have pride associated with the word "bitch." As with everything, it is not the word but how it is said.Beats are my crack.Comment
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
Why is it that black culture seems to go out of its way to allienate itself from main stream culture? No other race seems to do this. Asain, Indian, and other cultures have intergrated successfully into mainstream (white) culture while still maintaining a sense of heritage and pride. (it's kinda loaded question, I know, but I seriously wonder why).Comment
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
what bothers me the most is when people get touchy about this shit. why is it not ok for a caucasian to say this word? do you actually get offended if someone jokingly says this, because it's almost never used as a serious deroggatory comment... not that I use it, but if one white dude says to another "whatup nigga," it mean's he's trying to be cool, not that he's trying to insult an entire race.
Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
why do black people fail to have a good leader? e.g Martin Luther King.
Why is it when any issue occurs (crime or whatever) do black people bring up the race card?
Why can black comedians make fun of white people but when a white comedian makes fun of black people, he/she gets the NAACP down their ass?Originally posted by MiroslavIt's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .Comment
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
why do black people fail to have a good leader? e.g Martin Luther King.
Why is it when any issue occurs (crime or whatever) do black people bring up the race card?
Why can black comedians make fun of white people but when a white comedian makes fun of black people, he/she gets the NAACP down their ass?
*id also like to add, black people dont need a leader, we needed a leader back then to lead the civil rights movement so we could do basic things that were granted to us in the u.s. constitution like vote and be able to drink from the same water fountain (remember?), now that we are somewhat equal, there isn't a need for a leader, black people just have to realize their potentiol and the sky's the limit.
2) the race card is played, because thats the way it is, try being the only black guy in the backseat of a car smoking a blunt with your 3 white friends and you get pulled over and see what happens. there is no equality, as black people we have to hustle and work harder because america judges you by your skin color first and then everything else second.
3) because just like what alot of black people do that white people find funny, multiply that times about 5 and thats the way it is with the things white people do that we find funny, its all comedy, but its been a national past time with black comedians, as with white comedians its a totally different story given the history.Comment
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
anonin- pretty funny/cool/intersting thread you started.. i bet its a little hard to answer sometimes without getting offended. i am hispanic, so i can identify with the feeling of being misunderstood because of a way you act or the food you eat.
black culture is weird to me, in venezuela its no so segregated. i would say people in venezuela are prejudice but not racist. black people back home do pretty much the same things everyone else does. It wasnt untill i came to the states that i saw a clear dividing line in cultures.Comment
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
1) we dont need just one leader anymore, its come to the point where theres so many inspirational black people pushing things forward thats theres too many to choose from. now a days you dont have to look for figures like martin luther king, the people making a change are right in our own communities, churches, etc. for me a big inspiration is frank hale, ( a guy i actually know and have communicated with many , many times. Its all about bringing that key figure close to home in way that one can relate to. You'll never see just one person standing up as a leader for the entire black community, that time has passed.
2) the race card is played, because thats the way it is, try being the only black guy in the backseat of a car smoking a blunt with your 3 white friends and you get pulled over and see what happens. there is no equality, as black people we have to hustle and work harder because america judges you by your skin color first and then everything else second.
3) because just like what alot of black people do that white people find funny, multiply that times about 5 and thats the way it is with the things white people do that we find funny, its all comedy, but its been a national past time with black comedians, as with white comedians its a totally different story given the history.
Next Question - What's the deal with the sneakers? Why do so many black people flock to Foot Locker to get sneakers?Originally posted by MiroslavIt's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .Comment
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
Where is this leader you are talking about? All I see is a bunch of people trying to be like P-diddy or JayZ. Everyone looking for the easy out instead of actually working. The problem is that most blacks that I see don't follow the right people. Look at Condaleza Rice. She went through a lot groing up in the 60's in the south to get where she is today. She didn't stand behind a race card. Thats what separates her from the rest.
If a black guy gets busted for smoking a blunt then he should be busted since it is illegal. black people hustle their way because they are looking for the easiest way to get rich. The black friends I have don't hustle their way through things. They went and got an education and work their ass off like most of us do. They don't feel sorry for themselves.
Its sad that you call it a national pastime for black comedians to make fun of white people. sounds racist to me.
Next Question - What's the deal with the sneakers? Why do so many black people flock to Foot Locker to get sneakers?
2) all i mean by hustle is working hard and smart, if its illegal , then thats the way it is, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do because of the way things are. Jay-z sold cocaine in brooklyn and applyed to the same techniques he learned in the drug game to the rap game and look where he's at today, hate all you wan't but the dude is brilliant businessman, as is p-diddy, regardless of what you think of their music. And hustling applys to education, anyting, its not being lazy, but getting out their and making things happen.
3) we like sneakers, because sneakers are dope, are they not? black people are at the forfront of basketball which is heavily sneaker oriented, theres black dudes that have made millions of designing sneakers, it is very much apart of the culture. As for foot locker, thats where you buy the gear you need for basketball, football, both which are heavily black sports, so you can see why black people would flock to foot locker.Comment
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
Re: the [ms] ask a black guy thread...
1) see my edit to the above post, all you see is peple trying to be like p-diddy and jay-z (rich successfull black businessmen) because your not on the ground with the actual black youth, you dont interact with them, but rater SEE them, you havn't seen what i've seen, so you'll have to understand why i won't address that question any further.
2) all i mean by hustle is working hard and smart, if its illegal , then thats the way it is, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do because of the way things are. Jay-z sold cocaine in brooklyn and applyed to the same techniques he learned in the drug game to the rap game and look where he's at today, hate all you wan't but the dude is brilliant businessman, as is p-diddy, regardless of what you think of their music. And hustling applys to education, anyting, its not being lazy, but getting out their and making things happen.
3) we like sneakers, because sneakers are dope, are they not? black people are at the forfront of basketball which is heavily sneaker oriented, theres black dudes that have made millions of designing sneakers, it is very much apart of the culture. As for foot locker, thats where you buy the gear you need for basketball, football, both which are heavily black sports, so you can see why black people would flock to foot locker.
Its pretty sad how people look up to 50 cent. I mean, the dude use to sell crack!! WTF?
Fuck it, one more question - Ready?
Why do black people want to be called African Amercians and yet none of them would ever go back to live in Africa? They talk about their native land and talk about how bad the US is, yet none of them ever leave. Look at how bad Africa is right now and you don't see Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton doing shit about it but you have a white guy like Bono who is.Originally posted by MiroslavIt's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .Comment